Norshahril Saat and Mustafa Izzuddin quoted in the media on the issue of Elected Presidency in Singapore

Both Norshahril Saat and Mustafa Izzuddin offered their insights regarding the five-term gap and minority president in various media.

Norshahril Saat was quoted in the Straits Times: “Unintended Consequences” published on 8 September 2016. Click here to view it.

Norshahril Saat was also quoted in Today: “MPs, analysts welcome proposal to safeguard minority representation” on 8 September 2016. Click here to view it.

Mustafa Izzuddin was quoted in The New Paper: “Our President: To elect or not to elect?” on 8 September 2016. Click here to view it.

Mustafa Izzuddin and Norsharil Saat  in The New Paper: “Elected presidency: Why five terms?” on 8 September 2016. Click here to view it.