Daily News on Southeast Asia – 14 Apr 2022

Every weekday, ISEAS Library collates articles relevant to Southeast Asia and special topics in line with the research interests of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. To view articles behind paywalls, please visit the Library during its operating hours.

Today’s issue includes the following commentaries and citations attributed to ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute and its researchers. You can click on the links to go to the articles directly.

Brunei | Cambodia | Indonesia | Laos | Malaysia | Myanmar | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand | Timor-Leste | Vietnam | ASEAN / Southeast Asia | Asia PacificEast / South China Sea | Climate Change/Environment | Others


1. Minister seeks acceleration of digital transformation in madrasahs
Antara, 14 April 2022

2. Ukraine crisis hits Indonesian cement, fertilizer industries
Jakarta Post, 14 April 2022

3. Indonesia needs national cyber security law: MPR Chief
Antara, 13 April 2022

4. Indonesian political parties build close relations with China despite their anti-communist ideology
Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat. Assistant Professor in International Relations, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta
Conversation, 13 April 2022


5. Anwar’s re-election as PKR head will hold back party reforms, says analyst
Hakimie Amrie Hisamudin
Free Malaysia Today, 14 April 2022

6. DAP announces new bureaus to broaden party’s scope
Soo Wern Jun
Malay Mail Online, 14 April 2022

7. No entry to party hoppers, says DAP sec-gen
Soo Wern Jun
Malay Mail Online, 14 April 2022

8. Putrajaya raises Special Grant to Sabah from RM26.7m to RM125.6m, amount to go up yearly till 2026
Julia Chan
Malay Mail Online, 14 April 2022

9. Report: It will take Pakatan 10 years to win back Putrajaya, says Nurul Izzah
John Bunyan
Malay Mail Online, 14 April 2022

10. Will there be a ‘purge’ of Azmin’s camp? What to watch out for at the PKR polls
Syed Jaymal Zahiid
Malay Mail Online, 14 April 2022

11. By accident, I found data that says M’sians don’t need protector
James Chai, Visiting Fellow, ISEAS
Malaysiakini, 14 April 2022

12. What is holding up the anti-party hopping law?
P Gunasegaram
Malaysiakini, 14 April 2022

13. Impact of an ageing society
Thomas Huong
Star, 14 April 2022

14. China debt traps in the new Cold War
Anis Chowdhury & Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Sinchew 星洲网, 13 April 2022


15. The problem with postcards from Myanmar
JJ Rose
Interpreter, 14 April 2022

16. Hanging by a Thread: Education in Post-Coup Myanmar
[An 8-page PDF document]
Spring University Myanmar is a non-profit interim educational platform supporting the scholars at risk and vulnerable communities.
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (Indonesia), 13 April 2022

17. Rohingya Militant Group Targeting Malaysia-Based Refugees with Online Campaign
Jasminder Singh & Rueben Dass
Diplomat, 13 April 2022

18. Myanmar jailed more writers in 2021 than any other country, says rights group
Guardian, 13 April 2022

19. Bangladesh home minister: Rohingya have babies to get more food aid
Radio Free Asia, 13 April 2022


20. 浅析日菲首次外长防长会议 [Brief analysis of the first meeting of foreign and defense ministers between Japan and Philippines]
Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报, 14 April 2022

21. Gun ban dispute splits top Comelec officials
Dona Z. Pazzibugan
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 14 April 2022

22. The twists and turns of the presidential election
Joel Ruiz Butuyan
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 14 April 2022

23. The Philippines Toppled One Marcos. Now His Son May Become President.
Sui-Lee Wee & Camille Elemia
New York Times, 13 April 2022

24. Philippine election: As Leni Robredo fans surf a ‘pink wave’, will tide ebb for Bongbong Marcos?
Raissa Robles & Alan Robles
South China Morning Post, 13 April 2022


25. New rule on royal pardon put in place
Mongkol Bangprapa
Bangkok Post, 14 April 2022

26. Thaksin says he doesn’t see daughter running for PM — yet
Bangkok Post, 14 April 2022

27. Different Songkran wishes from Prayut, Yingluck and Thaksin
Bangkok Post, 13 April 2022

28. Thailand lags SE Asia peers in tourism recovery
Bangkok Post, 13 April 2022


29. US, Vietnam cooperate well in agriculture, says Ambassador Knapper
Voice of Vietnam, 14 April 2022

30. Rising interest rates threaten economic recovery
VietNamNet, 13 April 2022

ASEAN/Southeast Asia

31. Unpacking Russia’s Twitter disinformation
Darren Cheong, Research Associate, ISEAS
Straits Times, 14 April 2022

32. Southeast Asia’s tourism industry begins uneven recovery
Chen Lin, Chayut Setboonsarng & Neil Jerome Morales
Reuters, 13 April 2022

Asia Pacific

33. Be vigilant and prepared for NATO’s growing interest in Asia
Lü Xiang
Global Times, 13 April 2022

East / South China Sea

34. On South China Sea, Japan should not play a disruptive role
Ding Duo
South China Morning Post, 14 April 2022

35. The Chinese companies trying to buy strategic islands
Kathrin Hille
Straits Times, 14 April 2022

Climate Change/Environment

36. Finance Needed to Achieve Net Zero Carbon: Minister
Kheav Moro Kort
Cambodianess, 13 April 2022

37. Indonesia’s CarbonX to spend $136 million to cut emissions, save forests
Wahyudi Soeriaatmadja
Straits Times, 13 April 2022



38. Calls mount for Indonesia to invite Ukraine
Jakarta Post, 14 April 2022

39. Indonesia’s G20 presidency: Palm oil and global energy needs
Jakarta Post, 14 April 2022

Image credit: “Myanmar Yangon Thanlyn“, by Werner Bayer on Flickr.

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