Daily News on Southeast Asia – 28 Apr 2022

Every weekday, ISEAS Library collates articles relevant to Southeast Asia and special topics in line with the research interests of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. To view articles behind paywalls, please visit the Library during its operating hours.

Brunei | Cambodia | Indonesia | Laos | Malaysia | Myanmar | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand | Timor-Leste | Vietnam | ASEAN / Southeast Asia | Asia Pacific | East / South China Sea | Climate Change/Environment | Others


1. What is at stake with new provinces in West Papua?
Eduard Lazarus
Interpreter, 28 April 2022

2. Defense procurement ToT deals pave way for strategic autonomy
Anastasia Febiola S. is a research analyst on defense affairs at Semar Sentinel PTE Ltd.
Jakarta Post, 28 April 2022

3. Indonesia’s leadership test
Editorial board
Jakarta Post, 28 April 2022

4. New capital city – a model for sustainable urban transformation?
Alex Lechner is a landscape ecologist and associate professor, teaching on the Master of Urban Design at Monash University Indonesia. Sofian Sibarani is the founder and director of URBAN+ and a lecturer at Monash university Indonesia on the Master in Urban Design.
Jakarta Post, 28 April 2022

5. Rethinking Indonesia’s non-aligned foreign policy
I Gede Wahyu Wicaksana, Universitas Airlangga
East Asia Forum, 27 April 2022

6. Indonesia under pressure as it weighs buying Russia’s ‘blood oil’
Nana Shibata & Erwida Maulia
Financial Times, 27 April 2022

7. Indonesia’s international trade through Batam signals positive recovery
Jakarta Post, 27 April 2022

8. Palm oil export ban could cost state $1.4b a month
Divya Karyza
Jakarta Post, 27 April 2022

9. Membumikan Deradikalisasi Multipihak [Grounding Multistakeholder Deradicalization]
Farabi Ferdiansyah, Pengamat Kebijakan Terorisme
Republika, 27 April 2022

10. Pancasila Sebagai Sistematika Manajemen Demokrasi [Pancasila as a systematic management of democracy]
Bono Priambodo, SH, MSc, Pengajar FHUI – Kandidat Doktor Universiteit van Amsterdam
Republika, 27 April 2022

11. Indonesia Announces Bauxite Export Ban
Francisca Christy Rosana
Tempo, 27 April 2022

12. Essential Geopolitics: Indonesia’s Changing Economy
[9-minute podcast]
Stratfor Worldview, 26 April 2022


13. Laos’ Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone booming
Star, 28 April 2022

14. Another Mekong River dam in Laos begins review process
Radio Free Asia, 27 April 2022

15. EdL revamp set as part of Lao economic revival
Phnom Penh Post, 26 April 2022


16. Khemah Amanah dan Umno Kelantan? [Khemah Amanah and Umno Kelantan?]
Faisal Tehrani
Free Malaysia Today, 28 April 2022

17. It’s official: Malaysia to start RM1,500 minimum wage from May 1; firms with fewer than five staff to follow in Jan 2023
Ida Lim
Malay Mail Online, 28 April 2022

18. Anwar Ibrahim still the man to lead PKR in GE15, say analysts
Angie Tan
Malaysian Insight, 28 April 2022

19. Umno man Awang Adek is new SC executive chairman
Malaysian Insight, 28 April 2022

20. The electoral system must be reformed
Khairul Syakirin Zulkifli is a research analyst at Institut Masa Depan Malaysia
New Straits Times, 28 April 2022

21. 斗士党的不济,马哈迪的困境 [Pejuang’s woes, Mahathir’s plight]
Sinchew 星洲网, 28 April 2022

22. Jawatankuasa bersama UMNO-MB Johor ibarat dua nakhoda satu kapal [UMNO-MB joint committee is like two captains on one ship]
Mohamed Farid Noh
Berita Harian (Malaysia), 27 April 2022

23. Malaysia aspires to be a global vaccine manufacturing hub
Lydia Nathan
Free Malaysia Today, 27 April 2022

24. M’sia’s Jan-March economic data shows positive outlook: Statistics Department
Malaysiakini, 27 April 2022

25. Adakah ini Hari Raya terakhir sebelum PRU15? [Is this the last Hari Raya before GE-15?]
Fakhrurrazi Rashid, Koordinator Penyelidik Research For Social Advancement (REFSA)
Malaysian Insight, 27 April 2022


26. Efforts being made to hold nationwide general election in accordance with the term ‘General Election’: SAC Spokesperson
Eleven Myanmar, 27 April 2022

27. War zone farmers suffer disruptions and despair
Frontier Myanmar, 27 April 2022

28. Interest in Regime’s Planned Election Reveals China and India’s Disguised Support for Myanmar Junta
Irrawaddy, 27 April 2022

29. Pro-junta ‘Blood Comrades’ claim killings of 8 opposition members in Mandalay
Radio Free Asia, 27 April 2022


30. The present and future of the Philippines-India partnership
Don McLain Gill
Manila Times, 28 April 2022

31. Prosperity for the provinces
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 28 April 2022

32. Philippine election offers opportunity to rethink the liberal narrative
Dan Steinbock
South China Morning Post, 28 April 2022

33. Philippines presidency frontrunner praises ‘genius’ dictator father
Guardian, 27 April 2022

34. Philippines’ Duterte intends to skip ASEAN summit in Washington
Radio Free Asia, 27 April 2022


35. Chuan’s return ‘worth considering’
Bangkok Post, 28 April 2022

36. Thailand inks deal with Gansu region
Phusadee Arunmas
Bangkok Post, 28 April 2022

37. PPRP announces 22 candidates for Northeast
Nation, 28 April 2022

38. Fiscal and Monetary Policies in an Agent-Based Model
[contains link to 29-page PDF paper]
Pongpitch Amatyakul & Nutnicha Theppornpitak
Puey Ungphakorn Economic Research Institute, 27 April 2022


39. How the Russia-Ukraine War is Impacting Vietnam’s Economy
Thoi Nguyen
Diplomat, 28 April 2022

ASEAN/Southeast Asia

40. Southeast Asia: Gender parity is not gender equality
Meg Hocking
Interpreter, 28 April 2022

41. How did false data turn the Mekong River into an ‘issue’?
Zhang Li is an assistant professor at the Institute of Belt and Road & Global Governance, the Fudan University, Shanghai.
Jakarta Post, 28 April 2022

42. Will US President Joe Biden pitch his new ‘China challenge’ strategy in summit with Asean leaders?
Maria Siow
South China Morning Post, 28 April 2022

43. US-ASEAN Summit opens up UNCLOS ratification issue
James Borton
Asia Times, 27 April 2022

East / South China Sea

44. South China Sea faces higher risk of conflict as arms race builds up, says weapons expert
Ravi Buddhavarapu
CNBC, 27 April 2022

Climate Change/Environment

45. Will Russia sanctions freeze Asia’s climate change research on the Arctic?
Maria Siow
South China Morning Post, 27 April 2022

Image credit: “Myanmar Yangon Thanlyn“, by Werner Bayer on Flickr.

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