Subscribed Resources

ISEAS Library subscribes to a number of electronic journals to support the research needs of our researchers and staff. For remote access, ISEAS researchers can login through the eResource Portal.

To search the full extent of the Library’s e-holdings, including titles available through the various databases, please use this Publication Finder tool.

Resources available at ISEAS Library


Newspapers & Magazines



The Library subscribes to a number of databases, which together contain several thousand publications. Please use the Full-Text Finder tool to search for specific publications in these databases.

Accessible via ISEAS IP address and remote access.

Login required. Only available at the Library.

Bibliography of Asian Studies
The Bibliography of Asian Studies is a comprehensive bibliography of western-language book chapters, journal articles, conference proceedings and other publications about Asia and overseas Asian communities.

The CEIC Data software is a statistics database that covers a variety of macroeconomic and industrial indicators.

Publication Finder (Please contact Library for offsite access.)
The EBSCO Publication Finder tool allows you to search and browse journals, magazines, and other titles located within our subscribed databases. Please note that search is only available at the journal title level.

JSTOR provides access to archival journal contents, mainly in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences fields.

Project Muse
Project Muse provides the current full-text of scholarly books and journals in the humanities and social sciences.

ProQuest (ABI/INFORM collection and Asian & European Business collection)
The comprehensive ABI/INFORM collection database provides access to thousands of full-text news wires and newspapers, journals, working papers, country-and industry-focused reports on international business, finance and economics. The Asian & European Business collection contains information on economies, markets and companies, as well as regional- and national-level policy and analysis from white papers, government documents, and journals.

Stratfor WorldView
Stratfor is a current affairs site that examines and forecasts political, economic security, and geopolitical risk worldwide.

Newspapers & Magazines

The Library subscribes to major regional and international newspapers and magazines in a mix of formats.

Accessible via ISEAS IP address and remote access.

Login required. Only available at the Library.

Hardcopy available.


Business Times (Please contact Library for offsite access.)

The China-Global South Project (CGSP) (Please contact Library for offsite access.)

Deal Street Asia

The Diplomat (Please contact Library for offsite access.)

Diplomat Risk Intelligence (Please contact Library for offsite access.)

Economist (Print edition articles available on ProQuest. Login required for full access)

The Edge Markets (Malaysia & Singapore)

Financial Times (Up to 25 users. Please contact Library for offsite access.)

Foreign Affairs (Print edition articles available on ProQuest. Login required for full access.)

Foreign Policy 

Frontier Myanmar (Up to 5 users. Please contact Library for offsite access.)

Jakarta Post (Up to 25 users. Please contact Library for offsite access.)

Kompas (Up to 7 users. Please contact Library for offsite access.)

Lianhe Zaobao (Please contact Library for offsite access.)

Malaysiakini (Up to 30 users. Please contact Library for offsite access.)

The New York Times (Up to 40 users. Please contact Library for offsite access.)

Nikkei Asia  (Please contact Library for offsite access.)

Project Syndicate (Up to 40 users. Please contact Library for offsite access.)

South China Morning Post (Up to 50 users. Please contact Library for offsite access.)

The Star

Straits Times (Please contact Library for offsite access.)



Utusan Malaysia

Wall Street Journal  (via ProQuest)

World Politics Review


ISEAS Library subscribes to a number of academic journals. Access is available to all users on the ISEAS network, although some journals may require login.

Many more journals are available in our subscribed Databases.

Accessible via ISEAS IP address and remote access.

Login required. Only available at the Library.

Hardcopy available.

Southeast Asian Studies

Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies


Indonesia and the Malay World

Journal of Burma Studies

Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs

Journal of Southeast Asian Studies

Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (JMBRAS)

Journal of Vietnamese Studies

Mekong Review

Philippine Political Science Journal

Philippine Studies: Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints

Singapore Economic Review

South East Asia Research

TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia

Asian Studies

Asia Pacific Viewpoint

Asian Affairs: An American Review

Asian Affairs (London)

Asian Journal of Social Science

Asian Studies Review

Asian Survey

Asia-Pacific Review

China Quarterly

Critical Asian Studies

East Asian History

East Asian Science, Technology and Society

International Journal of Asian Christianity

International Journal of Asian Studies

Journal of Asian Studies

Journal of Chinese Overseas

Journal of Contemporary Asia

Journal of East Asian Studies

Modern Asian Studies

Asian Economics & Development

Asian Economic Journal

Asian Economic Papers

Asian Economic Policy Review

Asian Pacific Economic Literature

Journal of Asian Economics

Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy

Asian Politics

Asian Journal of Political Science

Asia Policy

Chinese Journal of International Politics

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific

Pacific Affairs

Pacific Review

Economics & Development

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2009-2016)

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2009-2016)

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (2009-2016)

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (2009-2016)

American Economic Review (1999-2015)

Development Policy Review (1997-2017)

Climate Policy

Economic Development and Cultural Change

Journal of Developing Societies (1985-2017)

Third World Quarterly (1995-2017)

World Economic Outlook

Media, Technology and Society

Journal of Cyber Policy

Policy & Internet


American Political Science Review

Comparative Political Studies

Comparative Politics (2007-2017)

International Studies Perspective (2000-2013)

International Studies Review (1997-2013)

Perspectives on Politics (2003-2012)

Political Science Quarterly (1886-2013)

PS: Political Science and Politics (2000-2012)

World Policy Journal (2006-2016)

World Politics (2009-2014)

Population & Civilisation Studies


Diaspora Studies (2008-2017)

Ethnic and Racial Studies (2005-2022)

International Migration (1997-2022)

International Migration Review (2001-2017)

Journal of Islamic Studies (1992-2023)

Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (1996-2017)

Nations and Nationalism (1997-2019)

Population Studies (1985-2017)

Studies in Ethnicity & Nationalism (2001-2019)

Strategic Studies

Asian Security

Military Balance

Survival: Global Politics and Strategy

Strategic Comments (2005-2013)

Strategic Survey (1997-2017)

The Polar Journal (2015-2023)