Daily News on Southeast Asia – 3 Nov 2022

Every weekday, ISEAS Library collates articles relevant to Southeast Asia and special topics in line with the research interests of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. To view articles behind paywalls, please visit the Library during its operating hours.

Today’s issue includes the following commentaries and citations attributed to ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute and its researchers. You can click on the links to go to the articles directly.

Brunei | Cambodia | Indonesia | Laos | Malaysia | Myanmar | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand | Timor-Leste | Vietnam | ASEAN / Southeast Asia | Asia Pacific | East/South China Sea | Climate Change/Environment | Others


1. Cambodia’s modern slavery nightmare: the human trafficking crisis overlooked by authorities
Lindsey Kennedy, Nathan Paul Southern & Huang Yan
Guardian, 2 November 2022


2. Jemaah Islamiyah’s Military Training Programs
Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, 2 November 2022

3. How one Indonesian city went beyond apps to solve problems
Hendra Sandhi Firmansyah & Suhono Harso Supangkat
Jakarta Post, 2 November 2022

4. Will Indonesia establish a University of Confucianism?
[Originally published as ISEAS Perspective 2022/100 “Can an International State University of Confucianism be Established in Indonesia?”]
Leo Suryadinata, Visiting Senior Fellow, ISEAS
ThinkChina, 1 November 2022


5. Former minister Syed Saddiq to defend Muar seat in Malaysia GE15 amid ongoing graft trial
Rhea Yasmine Bte Alis Haizan
Channel News Asia, 3 November 2022

6. GPS and PH collaboration after GE15 unlikely, say analysts
Reshna Reem Ganesan
Free Malaysia Today, 3 November 2022

7. Pahang to see fierce fights for Dewan Rakyat seats
Reshna Reem Ganesan
Free Malaysia Today, 3 November 2022

8. Umno seen to be clipping Ismail’s wings
Lynelle Tham
Free Malaysia Today, 3 November 2022

9. 安华首相梦的最后一搏 [Anwar’s last chance at realising dreams of being PM]
刘惟诚是马国时事评论员 拉曼大学政治与媒体系讲师
Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报, 3 November 2022

10. Tawfik Ismail says forging ahead as Bagan Datuk indie candidate after Pakatan snub
John Bunyan
Malay Mail Online, 3 November 2022

11. GE15: Conventional campaigning still relevant in digital age, say experts
Malay Mail Online, 3 November 2022

12. Perikatan targeting seats with mixed demographics in Penang
Opalyn Mok
Malay Mail Online, 3 November 2022

13. GE15: Experts see rife data trading ahead of polls, caution voters against manipulation
Malay Mail Online, 3 November 2022

14. Not nomination day yet, but sparks already flying
R Nadeswaran
Malaysiakini, 3 November 2022

15. PKR risks losing Sungai Buloh
P Gunasegaram
Malaysiakini, 3 November 2022

16. Umno will survive polls despite rifts, say observers
Alfian Z.M. Tahir
Malaysian Insight, 3 November 2022

17. Sabah Pas not contesting GE15, to support GRS-BN coalition instead
Ersie Anjumin
New Straits Times, 3 November 2022

18. Are Sarawak’s eye-catching economic targets realistic?
John Teo
New Straits Times, 3 November 2022

19. It’s a crowded field in Penang
Alex Teng & N. Trisha
Star, 3 November 2022

20. GE15: Shafie’s younger brother Yusof among new faces lined up in Sabah
Stephanie Lee & Durie Rainer Fong
Star, 3 November 2022

21. GE15: Sg Buloh seat safe for Khairy, says Tok Mat
Sarban Singh
Star, 3 November 2022

22. Mahathir’s Gerakan Tanah Air unveils Malaysia GE15 candidates; celebrities and activist among line-up
Channel News Asia, 2 November 2022

23. C4 concerned over GE15 candidates with business ties
Lynelle Tham
Free Malaysia Today, 2 November 2022

24. STAR disappointed with 2 seats, warns of repercussions
Tracy Bul
Free Malaysia Today, 2 November 2022

25. Annuar Musa says his ‘Muafakat Nasional’ just an NGO, ineligible to contest any election
Kenneth Tee
Malay Mail Online, 2 November 2022

26. GTA fields Islamist hardliner and former Ummah, Isma leader Aminuddin Yahaya in Temerloh
Shahrin Aizat Noorshahrizam
Malay Mail Online, 2 November 2022

27. To win Putrajaya, look ‘east’!
Kuik Cheng Kang
Sinchew 星洲网, 2 November 2022


28. The International Parliamentary Inquiry publishes its report urging the global community to support democracy in Myanmar
ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights, 2 November 2022

29. ‘Our hearts are on fire’: Hpakant airstrikes fuel Kachin revolutionary spirit
Emily Fishbein, Zau Myet Awng, Jaw Tu Hkawng & Nu Nu Lusan
Frontier Myanmar, 2 November 2022

30. China Opens New Shipping Route to Myanmar From South China Sea
Irrawaddy, 2 November 2022

31. Martial law in southeast Myanmar stopping people from working
Mizzima, 2 November 2022


32. US-Philippine alliance: Shared interests and subtle nuances
[This is an edited version of an article first published in Fulcrum, the commentary and analysis website of the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute.]
Mico A Galang is a lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Santo Tomas in Manila in the Philippines.
Straits Times, 3 November 2022

33. New photos of China-made islands in Spratlys show scale of military buildup
Frances Mangosing
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2 November 2022

34. PH still among world’s worst countries in prosecuting killers of journalists
Beatrice Pinlac
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2 November 2022


35. Thailand’s Monkish Politics in the Spotlight
Tita Sanglee
Diplomat, 3 November 2022

36. Bill to end liquor oligopoly shot down in narrow defeat
Aekarach Sattaburuth & Saritdet Marukatat
Bangkok Post, 2 November 2022

ASEAN/Southeast Asia

37. U.S. Looks to Boost Regional Sway at US-ASEAN Summit
Sok Khemara
VOA Cambodia, 3 November 2022

38. ASEAN Chairman’s Statement on The Recent Escalation of Violence in Myanmar
ASEAN Secretariat News, 2 November 2022

39. Southeast Asia’s Challenge of Decarbonizing While Growing Rapidly
Murray Hiebert
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (United States), 2 November 2022

40. The Great ASEAN Economic Rebound
Murray Hunter
Eurasia Review, 2 November 2022

41. Evolving Stakeholder Roles in Southeast Asian Maritime Security
John Bradford
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 2 November 2022

Asia Pacific

42. Can the US live in Xi Jinping’s world?
John Sudworth
BBC, 3 November 2022

43. Australia must help turn back a regional democratic retreat
Kevin Casas-Zamora
Interpreter, 3 November 2022

44. Economic diplomacy: Searching for APEC
Greg Earl
Interpreter, 3 November 2022

45. The Chinese Diplomats to Watch After the 20th Party Congress
Chihwei Yu & K. Tristan Tang
Diplomat, 2 November 2022

46. Biden’s National Security Strategy: An Asia-first strategy codified by Europeanists
Zack Cooper, Visiting Senior Fellow, ISEAS
ThinkChina, 1 November 2022

Climate Change/Environment

The Rewards of Rivalry: U.S.-Chinese Competition Can Spur Climate Progress
Jeff D. Colgan & Nicholas L. Miller
Foreign Affairs, 3 November 2022

48. COP27: A stark reminder to protect the poor in climate battle
Sudarno Sumarto & Made Anthony Iswara
Jakarta Post, 3 November 2022

49. How do we pay for climate change adaptation?
R R Rashmi
Jakarta Post, 3 November 2022

50. The Future of China’s Green Revolution
John Feffer
Foreign Policy in Focus, 2 November 2022

51. How Developing Countries Can Reach Net Zero
Erik Berglöf
Project Syndicate, 2 November 2022


Belt and Road

52. Belt and Road Buddhism in Sri Lanka?
Tabita Rosendal
Diplomat, 2 November 2022


53. Jokowi appeals to G20 leaders to show restraint
Yerica Lai & Fadhil Haidar Sulaeman
Jakarta Post, 3 November 2022

54. Voluntary standards needed for palm oil supply chains
Leena Ghosh
Asia Times, 1 November 2022

Media, Technology & Society

55. When it comes to historical distortion, we cannot fight fire with fire
Nicole Curato
New Mandala, 2 November 2022


56. Dynamism of East Asia and RCEP: The Framework for Regional Integration
[Link to 317-page report “Dynamism of East Asia and RCEP: The Framework for Regional Integration“]
ERIA, 2 November 2022

US Foreign Policy

57. Why American Power Endures: The U.S.-Led Order Isn’t in Decline
G. John Ikenberry
Foreign Affairs, 3 November 2022

Image credit: Image by Silver Ringvee on Unsplash.

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