Daily News on Southeast Asia – 10 Feb 2023

Every weekday, ISEAS Library collates articles relevant to Southeast Asia and special topics in line with the research interests of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. To view articles behind paywalls, please visit the Library during its operating hours.

Today’s issue includes the following commentaries and citations attributed to ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute and its researchers. You can click on the links to go to the articles directly.

Brunei | Cambodia | Indonesia | Laos | Malaysia | Myanmar | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand | Timor-Leste | Vietnam | ASEAN / Southeast Asia | Asia Pacific | East/South China Sea | Climate Change/Environment | Others


1. Editorial: Indonesia’s Islam, for the world
Jakarta Post, 10 February 2023
2. 印尼蜜雪冰淇淋清真认证风波 [Controversy over halal certification for Mixue ice cream in Indonesia]
联合早报, 10 February 2023
3. Support for Gibran to run in a 2024 gubernatorial race grows
Yerica Lai
Jakarta Post, 9 February 2023
4. Indonesia drafts law enabling media to receive payments from digital platforms
Jakarta Post, 9 February 2023
5. Survei: Orang Indonesia Suka Arab Saudi, Tapi Sinis ke China [Survey: Indonesians Like Saudi Arabia, but are Cynical of China]
[Link to “The Indonesia National Survey Project 2022: Engaging with Developments in the Political, Economic and Social Spheres”]
Ginanjar Saputra
Solopos, 9 February 2023
6. Singapore among top countries admired by Indonesians, but China and West fare worse: Survey
Hariz Baharudin
Straits Times, 9 February 2023


7. PM Anwar proposes revision of Asian Monetary Fund
Bernama, 10 February 2023
8. Economy grows 8.7% in 2022, highest in 22 years
David Pillai and Thamini Vijeyasingam
Free Malaysia Today, 10 February 2023
9. Survey: Anwar gets 68pct approval rating as PM
Malaysiakini, 10 February 2023
10. Advantage PAS, Bersatu from Umno’s ‘cleansing’
Angie Tan
Malaysian Insight, 10 February 2023
11. NST Leader: The cost of grand thefts
New Straits Times, 10 February 2023
12. Rafizi: Govt to focus on targeted subsidies, wage growth instead of EPF withdrawals
New Straits Times, 10 February 2023
13. Muda to be roped into unity govt secretariat, says PM
Rahimy Rahim & Tarrence Tan
Star, 10 February 2023
14. 80% cheaper to hire foreigners
Fatimah Zainal and Ili Aqilah
Star, 10 February 2023
15. Battle lines forming in Wanita Umno fight
Zakiah Koya
Star, 10 February 2023
16. Close watch on ‘hoppers’
Durie Rainer Fong
Star, 10 February 2023
17. Reformasi sesi soal jawab di Parlimen uji PM [Reform of question time in Parliament will test PM]
Siti Fahlizah Padlee, Pegawai Penyelidik Parlimen
Berita Harian, 9 February 2023
18. Sabah needs 3-in-1 reform package to stop political crisis
Malaysiakini, 9 February 2023
19. Development allowance cut a strategic maneuver by the PM?
MySinchew, 8 February 2023


20. Reversing Myanmar’s internal strife
Thitinan Pongsudhirak
Bangkok Post, 10 February 2023
21. Indonesian ex-general: Any military envoy to Myanmar must meet all parties
Tria Dianti
Benar News, 9 February 2023
22. UEC says two parties applied for the right to establish and register as political party between Feb 1 and 7
Eleven Myanmar, 9 February 2023
23. PacNet #12 – It’s up to the National Unity Government to forge “Union Spirit” in Myanmar
Shwe Yee Oo
Pacific Forum, 9 February 2023


24. Public funds for private perks?
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 10 February 2023
25. Philippines, Japan strengthen defense alliance over ‘challenging regional security environment’
Jason Gutierrez
Benar News, 9 February 2023
26. Japan’s economic leverage to undercut China, analysts say
[Link to The State of Southeast Asia: 2023 Survey Report]
BusinessWorld, 9 February 2023


27. Lobby says tourism must be priority
Molpasong Shoowong
Bangkok Post, 10 February 2023
28. Thailand’s Military Modernization Again in the Spotlight Following Trade Deficit Report
Tita Sanglee
Diplomat, 9 February 2023
29. ‘Renegade’ Thammanat and followers return to ruling party
Nation Thailand, 9 February 2023


30. Vietnam Rises as Seoul’s New Economic Partner
Shim Jae Hoon
Asia Sentinel, 9 February 2023

ASEAN/Southeast Asia

31. ASEAN working-level talks key to Myanmar peace: Japan special envoy
Nikkei Asia, 10 February 2023
32. 报告:影响力依然最大 中美交恶打击东南亚对两国领导力信心 [Report: China and the United States are still the most influential; hostility between China and the United States will damage Southeast Asia’s confidence in the leadership of the two countries]
[Link to The State of Southeast Asia: 2023 Survey Report]
黄小芳, 北京特派员
联合早报, 10 February 2023
33. 更多东南亚人担心沦为大国代理人观察家:亚细安须更团结强大主动以赢得尊重 [More Southeast Asians wary of becoming “agents” of major powers; observer: ASEAN must be more united, strong and proactive to win respect]
萧郡瑜, 黄小芳
联合早报, 10 February 2023
34. ISEAS民調:逾六成東南亞民眾青睞美國、中國地區影響力下滑 [ISEAS survey: More than 60% of Southeast Asians favor the United States, China’s influence declines]
Anue鉅亨網, 9 February 2023
35. Managing Partnerships in Southeast Asia with Blake Herzinger [33-minute podcast]
Gregory B. Poling and Karen Lee
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (United States), 9 February 2023
36. Democracy is reviving in Asia
Shankar R. Santhiram
Economist, 9 February 2023
37. Vietnam PM Chinh seals green deals on Singapore visit
Tsubasa Suruga
Nikkei Asia, 9 February 2023
38. State of Southeast Asia Survey 2023: Separate tangos with China and the US
Sharon Seah
ThinkChina, 9 February 2023
39. 东南亚态势报告2023:中国在区域影响力显著下降 美国不再被视为自由贸易首要倡导者 [State of Southeast Asia 2023 report: China’s influence in the region declines significantly, the US is no longer seen as the leading advocate of free trade]
黄小芳, 萧郡瑜
联合早报, 9 February 2023
40. Rethinking Infrastructure Financing for Southeast Asia in the Post-Pandemic Era
Asian Development Bank, 8 February 2023

Asia Pacific

41. Asian Economic Integration Report 2023: Trade, Investment, and Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific
Asian Development Bank, 10 February 2023
42. Rebalancing vs Decoupling: China-US Economic Ties and the Global Economy
Ronald U. Mendoza
Diplomat, 10 February 2023
43. US Indo-Pacific policy prioritises security over economics
Claude Barfield, American Enterprise Institute
East Asia Forum, 10 February 2023
44. US General to Aggressors: Allies Are Battle-Ready in Asia
Jim Gomez
Associated Press, 9 February 2023
45. Canada, South Korea and the Indo-Pacific
R. Vignesh
Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, 8 February 2023
46. Turbulence caused by Chinese balloon set to last
Yang Danxu
ThinkChina, 8 February 2023

Climate Change/Environment

47. Growing Champions: Malaysia’s path to food sovereignty could help restore the global food system
Marc Schmidt and Andrey Berdichevskiy
Edge Markets, 9 February 2023
48. Public Perceptions of Climate Policies: Evidence from Cross-Country Surveys
[Link to 18-page technical appendix]
IMF News, 9 February 2023
49. Investing in a net-zero economy: Scaling blended finance [35-minute podcast]
Bharath Sattanathan
McKinsey & Co, 8 February 2023


Global Economy
50. Resilience in crisis: Perspectives from Davos
McKinsey & Co, 9 February 2023
51. Charting Globalization’s Turn to Slowbalization After Global Financial Crisis
Shekhar Aiyar, Anna Ilyina
IMF News, 8 February 2023

Media, Technology & Society
52. Jelang Pemilu 2024, saatnya media sosial jadi panggung kampanye yang berkualitas [Ahead of the 2024 Election, it’s time for social media to become a quality campaign platform]
Conversation, 9 February 2023

Image credit: Image by Geraldine Ng on Unsplash.

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