Daily News on Southeast Asia – 9 May 2023

Every weekday, ISEAS Library collates articles relevant to Southeast Asia and special topics in line with the research interests of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. To view articles behind paywalls, please visit the Library during its operating hours.

Today’s issue includes the following commentaries and citations attributed to ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute and its researchers. You can click on the links to go to the articles directly.

Brunei | Cambodia | Indonesia | Laos | Malaysia | Myanmar | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand | Timor-Leste | Vietnam | ASEAN / Southeast Asia | Asia PacificEast/South China Sea | Climate Change/Environment | Others


1. As of deadline, 18 parties apply to compete in Cambodia’s July election
Radio Free Asia, 8 May 2023


2. The blind spot of Indonesian agriculture
Manggala Santosa
Jakarta Post, 9 May 2023
3. Isu Cawe-Cawe Pilpres, Jokowi Dinilai tak Miliki Komitmen Terhadap Demokrasi [Jokowi considered lacking in commitment to democracy]
Isu Cawe-Cawe Pilpres, Jokowi Dinilai tak Miliki Komitmen Terhadap Demokrasi
Republika, 9 May 2023
4. Potensi Mengawinkan Anies-Sandi di Pilpres 2024 Tetap Terbuka’ [‘Potential to Pair Anies-Sandi in the 2024 Presidential Election Remains Open’]
Wahyu Suryana, Febryan A, Nawir Arsyad Akbar
Republika, 9 May 2023
5. The Rise of Innovative Credit Scoring System in Indonesia: Assessing Risks and Policy Challenges
Trissia Wijaya
Center for Indonesian Policy Studies, 8 May 2023
6. Economic Impacts of Local Content Requirements in Indonesia
Deni Friawan, Haryo Aswicahyono, Ira S. Titiheruw, Yose Rizal Damuri, Adinova Fauri, Jeremy Samuel Ngadiman, Carlos Mangunsong
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (Indonesia), 1 May 2023


7. Use safe seats to get more Malays elected, DAP told
Shahrul Shahabudin
Free Malaysia Today, 9 May 2023
8. Despite GE15 rout, Harapan eyes 12 seats in T’ganu
Malaysiakini, 9 May 2023
9. Pakatan can use BN’s logo in Terengganu polls
Diyana Ibrahim
Malaysian Insight, 9 May 2023
10. Pakatan eyeing urban seats in Kelantan, Terengganu elections
Diyana Ibrahim
Malaysian Insight, 9 May 2023
11. 6州选举,马来人的政见和华裔的方向 [Malay political views and Chinese direction in the 6 state elections]
星洲网, 9 May 2023
12. Anwar’s dilemma over Malaysia-China O&G cooperation in South China Sea
David Pillai and Lee Min Keong
Free Malaysia Today, 8 May 2023

13. Tarikh sesuai PRN 6 negeri: Awal Ogos? [A suitable date for 6 state election: early August?]
G Manimaran
Malaysian Insight, 8 May 2023


14. Rising fears of inundation as northern Shan dam projects gather pace
Frontier Myanmar, 8 May 2023
15. Uprisings in Myanmar—Then and Now
Bertil Lintner
Irrawaddy, 8 May 2023


16. Basic wage in PH not even enough to meet poverty threshold, says think tank
Kurt Dela Peña
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 9 May 2023
17. Edca: Marcos needs a ‘Goldilocks’ strategy
Richard Heydarian
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 9 May 2023
18. Full prosecution, not just admission
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 9 May 2023
19. On the US and China, Marcos wants the Philippines to have its cake and eat it too
Richard Heydarian
South China Morning Post, 9 May 2023
20. Manila’s Focus on External Defense Needs Peace in Mindanao
Georgi Engelbrecht
Diplomat, 8 May 2023
21. Power in partnership: The strategic significance of the US-Philippines alliance
Jikko Alfonso Puzon
Philstar Global, 6 May 2023


22. K Shanmugam on ‘indivisible security’ in relation to Russia-Ukraine war
[3-minute video clip]
Channel News Asia, 8 May 2023


23. 60 years of EU-Thai engagement
David Daly
Bangkok Post, 9 May 2023
24. Thailand’s move to legalise cannabis emerges as election issue with some parties expressing concerns
Jack Board
Channel News Asia, 9 May 2023
25. Thai election pits Shinawatra dynasty against military rulers
Eli Meixler
Financial Times, 9 May 2023

ASEAN/Southeast Asia

26. Can Jakarta push peace in Myanmar?
Kavi Chongkittavorn
Bangkok Post, 9 May 2023
27. Philippines’ Marcos muscles up ASEAN’s South China Sea posture
CLIFF VENZON and NORMAN GOH, Nikkei staff writers
Nikkei Asia, 9 May 2023
28. Vietnam to host ASEAN-China meeting on East Sea
VietNamNet, 9 May 2023
29. Key issues up for discussion at ASEAN Summit include code of conduct on South China Sea
Chandni Vatvani & Jalelah Abu Baker
Channel News Asia, 8 May 2023
30. When ASEAN is prosperous, the world is better off’: US envoy on building closer ties with the regional bloc
Chandni Vatvani & Calvin Yang
Channel News Asia, 8 May 2023
31. Cambodia, Myanmar ‘Cyber-slaves’ Are Being Recruited Globally, Research Finds
[Link to 14-page PDF report “Guidance on Responding to Victims in Forced Scam Labour.”]
David Whitehouse
Diplomat, 8 May 2023
32. Indonesia Says It Is Working Hard for a Myanmar Breakthrough
Sebastian Strangio
Diplomat, 8 May 2023
33. 22nd AEC Council Chair’s Media Statement
ASEAN Secretariat News, 7 May 2023
34. As China builds military ties across Southeast Asia, one factor stands in the way
Riaz Khokhar
South China Morning Post, 7 May 2023
35. Europe is struggling to replicate Southeast Asia’s US-China balancing act
Emanuele Scimia
South China Morning Post, 5 May 2023

Asia Pacific

36. Commentary: With Trump topping presidential polls, deja vu hangs over US-led trade talks in Singapore
Steven R Okun
Channel News Asia, 9 May 2023
37. Nato at the Indo-Pacific doorstep
Segundo Eclar Romero
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 9 May 2023
38. Cina Sebagai Kekuatan Perdamaian [China As A Power for Peace]
POLTAK PARTOGI NAINGGOLAN, Peneliti Tata Kelola dan Konflik di BRIN
Republika, 9 May 2023
39. The Asian Ripples From Russia’s Ukraine Gambit
Asia Sentinel, 8 May 2023
40. Peacemakers, not warmongers, are needed in US-China relations now
Zhu Zhiqun
ThinkChina, 8 May 2023
41. China and US See Need to Stabilize Relations
VOA, 8 May 2023
42. Australia and India’s Relations Are Flourishing—With an Eye on China
Stuti Bhatnagar
World Politics Review, 8 May 2023

East/South China Sea

43. Vietnam to host ASEAN-China meeting on East Sea
Voice of Vietnam, 8 May 2023
44. As South China Sea risks rise, rival claimants have a way out – compromise
Mark J. Valencia
South China Morning Post, 6 May 2023

Climate Change/Environment

45. New Indonesian fund promotes Indigenous role in climate change fight
Channel News Asia, 8 May 2023
46. Deciphering the latest IPCC report
[Link to report “AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023“]
Lindsey Fielder Cook
Eco-Business, 8 May 2023
47. Renewables will be world’s top electricity source within three years, IEA data reveals
[Link to report “Electricity Market Report 2023“]
Simon Evans
Eco-Business, 8 May 2023
48. Thailand chokes on pollution, but green campaigners struggle to be heard in election
Straits Times, 8 May 2023
49. China’s struggle to meet ‘dual carbon’ targets and stand proud at COP28 climate summit
Erik Baark
ThinkChina, 8 May 2023
50. Asia’s Record-Setting Heat Wave Demonstrates Dangers of Warming World
Time, 8 May 2023
51. ADB, Indonesia Sign MOU to Develop Nusantara as Carbon-Neutral Forest City
Asian Development Bank, 5 May 2023
52. The Inconvenient Truth about the Military Coup
Insight Myanmar, 30 April 2023


Media, Technology & Society
53. G7 Digital Ministers Preview Summit’s Focus on Tech Competition With China
Charles Mok
Diplomat, 9 May 2023
54. Vietnam to require social media users to verify identity
Channel News Asia, 8 May 2023
55. QRIS expands to Malaysia in push for cross-border payments
Deni Ghifari
Jakarta Post, 8 May 2023

Image credit: Photo by Ash Edmonds on Unsplash

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