The Asia Pacific Economies: Challenges and Prospects in 2024


About the Webinar

The United States is host of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 2023. Under the theme “Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All”, APEC member economies have been working towards building a more interconnected, innovative, and inclusive APEC region. The APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting (AELM) will be concluding on 17 November 2023.

The webinar will discuss some of the major outcomes of the AELM and their implications for the region and Singapore in 2024. Additionally, it will present the economic outlook of the APEC region, highlighting the latest insights from the November 2023 issue of the APEC Regional Trends Analysis (ARTA), the flagship publication of the APEC Policy Support Unit. The webinar will also cover the Singapore perspective, including Peru’s hosting of APEC in 2024.

About the Speakers

Carlos Kuriyama is Director of APEC Policy Support Unit (PSU), which is the policy research and analysis arm of APEC. In this position, he heads a team of skilled professionals that provides high quality evidence-based research and technical support to APEC Senior Officials, Committees and Working Groups.

Mr Kuriyama was formerly a Senior Analyst at PSU. Prior to that, he was an official of Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism where he served as Lead Negotiator of the Peru-China FTA negotiations, General Coordinator of the Peru-Singapore FTA negotiations, and Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade. As an Associate Researcher and Lecturer in Economics at Universidad del Pacifico, he wrote extensively and participated in research projects on trade, investment and integration issues for several domestic and international institutions.

Mr Kuriyama holds a Master of International Affairs from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, USA and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Universidad del Pacífico, Peru.

Foo Cher How represents Singapore in the Committee on Trade and Investment at APEC. He is currently serving as the Deputy Director for the Multilateral Trade Policy Division at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore. In his current role, he leads a team in overseeing the portfolio of APEC, G20 and WTO.

Prior to his current appointment, Cher How was the Deputy Director for the Southeast Asia and Oceania Division, where he led a team in furthering Singapore’s bilateral economic, trade and investment interests in the Southeast Asia and Oceania region.

Cher How was Singapore’s lead negotiator for the Chapter on Small & Medium Enterprises as well as the Chapter on Economic and Technical Cooperation for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. He was also Singapore’s lead negotiator for the ASEAN E-Commerce Agreement Working Group.


This webinar will be delivered online entirely. You can join the webinar at the specified date and time using devices (computer, phone, or tablet) with internet connection.

Please register here to receive your unique link for joining the webinar.

If you have questions for the speakers, please key in your questions via the Q&A, stating your name and affiliation. The moderator will field them to the speaker during the Q&A session.


Nov 24 2023


10:00 am - 11:30 am

More Info


