Special Issue on the Indonesian General Election 2024 – 19 Feb 2024

This alert service contains articles focusing on the 2024 Indonesian General Election which were held on 14 Feb.

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This alert contains an article with a citation attributed to Siwage Dharma Negara, Senior Fellow. You can click on the link to go to the article directly.

1. Analysis: Quick counts show Prabowo victory
Tenggara Strategics
Jakarta Post, 19 February 2024
2. What does Prabowo-Gibran’s win mean for Indonesian democracy?
Testriono and Aldi Nur Fadil Auliya
Jakarta Post, 19 February 2024
3. Editorial: Early indicators
Jakarta Post, 19 February 2024
4. Prabowo’s rivals prepare to file election disputes
Nur Janti and Dio Suhenda
Jakarta Post, 18 February 2024
5. Hardliner or cute uncle?
Philip Golingai
Star, 18 February 2024
6. A man of action: Indonesia’s new V-P has chance to score in ‘premier league’
Wahyudi Soeriaatmadja and Linda Yulisman
Straits Times, 18 February 2024
7. 印尼大众如何看待大选 [How the Indonesian public views the election]
星洲网, 18 February 2024
8. PDI-P ready to take up opposition role
Yerica Lai and Dio Suhenda
Jakarta Post, 17 February 2024
9. Prabowo faces policy scrutiny after free-market comments
Gayatri Suroyo and Fransiska Nangoy (Reuters)
Jakarta Post, 17 February 2024
10. Explaining the Prabowo landslide
Sana Jaffrey & Eve Warburton
New Mandala, 17 February 2024
11. Indonesian activists protest ex-general’s win in presidential election and allege massive fraud
Andi Jatmiko And Niniek Karmini
APNews, 16 February 2024
12. Where is Jakarta’s South China Sea policy heading under Prabowo?
Pizaro Gozali Idrus and RFA staff
Benar News, 16 February 2024
13. Prabowo presidency may face a hostile, opposition-controlled parliament, analysts say
Pizaro Gozali Idrus and Nazarudin Latif
Benar News, 16 February 2024
14. What Indonesia’s Election Result Means For the Ruling PDI-P
Virdika Rizky Utama
Diplomat, 16 February 2024
15. Indonesia’s Prabowo at risk of leading bloated cabinet after weak legislative vote
Erwida Maulia
Nikkei Asia, 16 February 2024
16. Indonesia-China ties: will president-elect Prabowo confront Beijing or maintain Widodo’s economic deals?
Amy Sood, Resty Woro Yuniar and Anand Mathai
South China Morning Post, 16 February 2024
17. Analyst: Prabowo likely to continue Jokowi’s policies, though many regard promise as ‘lip service’ [4-min video]
CNBC, 15 February 2024

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