ASEANFocus Issue 1/2017



  • Southeast Asia’s Leading Diplomatic Voices Debate ASEAN Consensus
  • ESM Goh Chok Tong on the ASEAN Economic Community and Future of ASEAN
  • Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop on ASEAN-Australia Ties
  • The Implications and Costs of Climate Change for ASEAN
  • Is the Singapore-Kunming Rail Link on Track?

ASEANFocus Issue 9/2016



  • Priorities of the Philippines’ ASEAN Chairmanship
  • The Rise of Populism in Southeast Asia
  • RCEP, TPP and the Future of Regional Trade
  • Insider Views: Minister K. Shanmugam on Terrorism
  • Building an ASEAN Community through the ASEAN University Network
  • 2016 in Review

ASEANFocus Issue 8/2016



  • The Implications of a Trump Presidency on Southeast Asia
  • The Fate of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • Trends in Defence Expenditure in Southeast Asia
  • Duterte and the Future of the US-Philippine Relationship
  • Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation: ASEAN’s Response to Future Financial Crises

ASEANFocus Issue 7/2016



  • What happened at the ASEAN Summits and Related Summits?
  • Options for ASEAN to tackle the refugee crisis
  • Is the Philippines changing course under Duterte?
  • Power moves in the Mekong River?
  • Connecting the region through the ASEAN Single Window
  • Southeast Asia at Rio 2016
  • “Walking” with Jimmy Choo

ASEANFocus Special: ASEAN and the EU in Perspective: Brexit & Beyond Issue 6/2016



  • ASEAN and the EU: Similarities and Differences
  • Aftermath of Brexit and its Repercussions on EU and Southeast Asia
  • Why the EU matters for ASEAN
  • Brexit’s Impact on EU Businesses in ASEAN
  • Lessons for ASEAN from Brexit

ASEANFocus Special: South China Sea Arbitration Issue 5/2016



  • The “ABCs” of the Tribunal Award
  • The Next Steps after The Award: Views from the Philippines and China
  • Debunking the Myths of the South China Sea: A Chinese Perspective
  • Analyses from Selected ASEAN Member States and Dialogue Partners
  • Thoughts and Reflections from International Thought Leaders

ASEANFocus Issue 4/2016



  • ASEAN-Russia Relations after the Sochi Summit
  • China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) Initiative and Responses from the maritime Southeast Asian states
  • Lessons from Brexit for ASEAN
  • Insider Views: Dr Dinna Wisnu on the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR)

ASEANFocus Issue 3/2016




    • Assessing ISIS in Southeast Asia
    • The State of ASEAN’s Food Security
    • The Chinese Economy and its Impact on ASEAN
    • 5 Realities of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community



ASEANFocus Issue 2/2016




    • Laos’ ASEAN Chairmanship In 2016
    • The Future of ASEAN-US Relations
    • ASEAN’s Single Aviation Market
    • ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Drug Matters
    • Tourism in ASEAN
    • Insider Views: Tan Sri Tony Fernandes & Sentot Mujiono



ASEANFocus Issue 1/2016



  • ASEAN Community Vision 2025 Declaration
  • Analyses of the Political-Security, Economic, Socio-Cultural Pillars
  • Views from the Secretaries-General
  • Views from ASEAN Dialogue Partners
  • Views from the Business, Media and Research Communities