ISEAS Perspective 2024

ISEAS Perspective provides analysis of specific current events and their significance for the Southeast Asian region. This will be published occasionally, and is aimed at keeping decision-makers in both the public and private sectors informed; as well as scholars, laymen and the interested public. This series undergoes a peer-review process.


2024/13 “Vietnam and the Russia-Ukraine War: Hanoi’s ‘Bamboo Diplomacy’ Pays Off but Challenges Remain” by Ian Storey


2024 No. 13

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Vietnam adopted an essentially neutral position in a thus-far largely successful effort to insulate itself from major power disputes arising from the conflict.


2024/12 “Being a Member of an Online Group Can Make You More Accepting of Fake News: The Case of Thailand” by Surachanee Sriyai and Akkaranai Kwanyou


2024 NO. 12

Despite their large memberships, little scholarly attention has been given to the role of online groups and how they contribute to the circulation of fake news and disinformation during the campaigning season.


2024/11 “The Cultural Power of Chinese Herbal Medicine Resulting from the Southeast Asian Belt and Road Corridors” by Khun Eng Kuah


2024 No. 11

This paper explores the use of Chinese herbal medicine (TCM) as cultural power along the Southeast Asian Belt and Road corridors.


2024/10 “Vietnam-U.S. Security Cooperation Prospects under the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership” by Phan Xuan Dung and Hoai Vu


2024 No. 10

Since establishing a ‘comprehensive partnership’ in 2013, Vietnam and the United States have incrementally expanded their security relations, a domain that was hitherto sensitive and limited in scope.


2024/9 “Advancing the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific Beyond Indonesia’s Chairmanship” by Joanne Lin


2024 No. 9

ASEAN embraced the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) in 2019 as a strategic response to escalating geopolitical tensions and the growing influence of major powers in the region.


2024/8 “Understanding Indonesia’s 2024 Presidential Elections: A New Polarisation Evolving” by Max Lane


2024 No. 8

The coalition developing around the candidacy of Prabowo shows characteristics of being a regrouping of core elements from Suharto’s New Order.


2024/7 “Mohd Na’im Mokhtar: Business as Usual in JAKIM?” by Mohd Faizal Musa


2024 No. 7

Mohd Na’im Mokhtar was appointed by Anwar Ibrahim to be Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Religious Affairs, although he is not an elected politician nor a member of any political party.


2024/6 “Digital Transformation in Indonesia’s Labour Market: Gainers and Losers” by Maria Monica Wihardja, Abror Tegar Pradana, Putu Sanjiwacika Wibisana, Arya Swarnata, and Aufa Doarest


2024 No. 6

Digital transformation in Indonesia, driven by the declining cost of digital technology and massive investment in the digital sector, has changed the nature of jobs.


2024/5 “Rhetorical Sympathy for the Palestinian Struggle in Malaysia and the Poignant Misuse of ‘Zionism’” by Benjamin Y H Loh and Sarah Ali


2024 No. 5

Malaysia’s online and offline support for Palestine in light of the 7 October 2023 attacks seems to indicate a dualism in solidarity— voluble support for the Palestinian cause juxtaposed with opposition to taking in Palestinian refugees and asylum seekers.


2024/4 “Thailand Awaits Momentous Changes in the First Two Months of This New Year” by Termsak Chalermpalanupap


2024 No. 4

Five explosive issues will come to a head in Thailand in the first two months of this new year.