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ISEAS Perspective

ISEAS Perspective provides analysis of specific current events and their significance for the Southeast Asian region. This will be published occasionally, and is aimed at keeping decision-makers in both the public and private sectors informed; as well as scholars, laymen and the interested public. This series undergoes a peer-review process.


2020/103 “The Rise and Fall of State Governments in Malaysia: Institutions, Constitutions and Political Alignment” by Tricia Yeoh


2020 No. 103


2020/102 “Vietnam Edging Towards America” by Huynh Tam Sang


2020 No. 102


2020/101 “To Deter Malaysia: Thai Navy’s Submarine Acquisition Faces New Opposition” by Termsak Chalermpalanupap


2020 No. 101


2020/100 “Parties and their Significance in the Myanmar 2020 General Election” by Su-Ann Oh


2020 No. 100


2020/99 “Connecting Chongqing and Southeast Asia: Progress, Potential and Challenges” by Li Yan


2020 No. 99


2020/98 “Work and Wages of Malaysia’s Youth: Structural Trends and Current Challenges” by Lee Hwok Aun


2020 No. 98


2020/97 “The South China Sea Dispute in 2020-2021” by Ian Storey


2020 No. 97


2020/96 “Vietnam’s Over-reliance on Exports and FDI” by Le Hong Hiep


2020 No. 96


2020/95 “China’s Belt and Road Finds Southeast Asia a Tough Slog” by Murray Hiebert


2020 No. 95


2020/94 “Elections in November: A Profile of Supporters of Myanmar’s Ruling NLD” by Nyi Nyi Kyaw


2020 No. 94