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ISEAS Perspective

ISEAS Perspective provides analysis of specific current events and their significance for the Southeast Asian region. This will be published occasionally, and is aimed at keeping decision-makers in both the public and private sectors informed; as well as scholars, laymen and the interested public. This series undergoes a peer-review process.


2020/25 “Malaysia 2020: The Impasse of Two-Coalition Politics” by Kai Ostwald


2020 No. 25


2020/24 “Strategic Divergences: Australia and Maritime Southeast Asia” by Malcolm Cook


2020 No. 24


2020/23 “Thailand’s ‘Complex Engagement’ Approach in Foreign Policy: A Balancing Act” by Supalak Ganjanakhundee


2020 No. 23


2020/22 “Malaysia’s New Cabinet: Squaring the Power of the Ruling Parties” by Francis E. Hutchinson


2020 No. 22


2020/21 “Social Media and Polarization in the “New Malaysia”” by Quinton Temby


2020 No. 21


2020/20 “Malaysia’s Self-Employment Explosion: Why So Many Own-Account Workers?” by Michael T Schaper


2020 No. 20


2020/19 “Is the US being Eclipsed in Southeast Asia?” by Choi Shing Kwok


2020 No. 19


2020/18 “Malaysia and the South China Sea Dispute: Policy Continuity amid Domestic Political Change” by Ian Storey


2020 No. 18


2020/17 “The Rise of “Murky” Protectionism: Standard-Like Non-Tariff Measures in ASEAN” by Evelyn S. Devadason


2020 No. 17


2020/16 “Indonesia: Digital Communications Energising New Political Generation`s Campaign for Democracy” by Yatun Sastramidjaja


2020 No. 16