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NSC Highlights

NSC Highlights is a quarterly publication providing information regarding people, projects, and publications at the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre. Enquiries and correspondence about editorial matters should be directed to nsc@iseas.edu.sg.


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NSC Highlights #2


Sep – Nov 2016

  • How did the pantun oral folk tradition became popular throughout the Malay world?
  • What was the Chinese involvement in the trade of Eastern Indonesia in the Early Modern Period?
  • Report on the 2016 2nd SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology
  • Michael Ng reflects on excavating the Mannok Shipwreck in Thailand
  • Spotlight on Elizabeth H. Moore

NSC Highlights #1


NSC Highlights #1

Jun – Aug 2016

  • 2015 NSC Archaeological Field School excavates the 10th century Koh Ker
  • Workshop on the Heritage of Ancient and Urban Sites in Southeast Asia
  • Spotlight on Leonard Y. Andaya