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NSC Working Papers

The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre (NSC) Working Paper Series is an online publication series which provides an avenue for swift publication and wide dissemination of research conducted or presented within the Centre, and of studies engaging fields of enquiry of relevance to the Centre.


Traveling Civilization: The Sinographic Translational Network and Modern Lexicon Building in Colonial Vietnam, 1890s-1910s by Yufen Chang


An Eighth-Century Commentary on the Nāmasaṅgīti and the Cluster of Temples on the Prambanan Plain in Central Java by Mark E. Long


Early Voyaging in the South China Sea: Implications on Territorial Claims by Michael Flecker


The Buddhist Heavens 天: Source Manual for Iconographic Research on the Buddhist Universe, Part II by Ataru Sotomura


Exploring Cam Narrative Sources for History of the Cam Diaspora of Cambodia by Nicolas Weber


Maritime Southeast Asia: The View From Tang–Song China by Geoffrey Goble


Persians and Shi’ites in Thailand: From the Ayutthaya Period to the Present by Christoph Marcinkowski


The Lost Gatekeeper Statues of Candi Prambanan: A Glimpse of the VOC Beginnings of Javanese Archaeology by Roy Jordaan


Warriors Killed, Sliced as Cucumbers: Food Symbolism in the Martial Scenes of Old Javanese Kakawins by Jiri Jakl


The Śailendras Reconsidered by Anton O. Zakharov