Articles & Commentaries

GE-14 in Johor: The Fall of the Fortress? by Francis E. Hutchinson


2018/4 The Politics of Wages and Indonesia’s Trade Unions


Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia in Johor: New Party, Big Responsibility by Wan Saiful Wan Jan


Logistics Development in ASEAN: Complex Challenges Ahead by Tham Siew Yean and Sanchita Basu Das


2018/3 ASEAN’s Myanmar Dilemma


2018/2 Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail Project: Little Progress, Many Challenges


2018/1 Southeast Asia Outlook 2018


Legislation on Underwater Cultural Heritage in Southeast Asia: Evolution and Outcomes by Michael Flecker


2017/95 The 1965 Tragedy, China, and the Ethnic Chinese: Interview with Lieutenant General (Retired) Agus Widjojo (Part II)


2017/94 Mixed Signals: Malaysia’s 2018 Federal Budget and Education