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Articles & Commentaries

2017/71 The Banning of Hizbut Tahrir and the Consolidation of Democracy in Indonesia


Beneath the Veneer: The Political Economy of Housing in Iskandar Malaysia, Johor by Keng Khoon Ng and Guanie Lim


2017/70 Indonesia’s Divided Digital Economy


Speculating on World-Class Transportation Infrastructure in Ho Chi Minh City by Hun Kee Kim


2017/69 Support for Decentralization and Political Islam Go Together in Indonesia


2017/68 Promoting Growth with Equity: Indonesia’s 2018 Budget


The Indonesia National Survey Project: Economy, Society and Politics by Diego Fossati, Hui Yew-Foong and Siwage Dharma Negara


2017/67 “Managing Reliance”: The Socio-Economic Context of the Chinese Footprint in Laos and Cambodia


2017/66 “Same-Same but Different”: Laos and Cambodia’s Political Embrace of China


NSC Highlights #6


Sep – Nov 2017

  • Uncovering a Hidden Temple: Ta Mok Shwegugyi, Kyaukse
  • Legislation on Underwater Cultural Heritage in Southeast Asia
  • Sema Stones and Mountain Palaces from the Dawn of Angkor
  • Book Review: Nalanda, Srivijaya and Beyond: Re-exploring Buddhist Art in Asia
  • New Visiting Researchers
  • Archaeology Programme for Students