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Articles & Commentaries

2017/58 Clandestine Movement in the Indonesia-Malaysia Migration Corridor: Roots, Routes, and Realities


2017/57 Vietnam’s New Wave of SOE Equitization: Drivers and Implications


2017/56 China’s Investments in Europe: Lessons for South East Asia


2017/55 The State and the Resurgence of Popular Religiosity in Viet Nam


2017/54 China’s “Shame Offensive”: The Omission of Thailand’s Prime Minister from the Belt and Road Initiative Summit 2017


2017/53 Cambodian Power Shift in 2018?


Dynamics of Ride Sharing Competition


Impact of TPP-11 on Japanese Manufacturing Affiliates in ASEAN


The Traditionalist Response to Wahhabi-Salafism in Batam by Norshahril Saat


Old Stereotypes, New Convictions: Pribumi Perceptions of Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia Today by Johanes Herlijanto