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Articles & Commentaries

2017/45 Diversity not Uniformity: Chinese Muslim Preachers and Politicians in Indonesia


2017/44 Ignoring the Curve: President Duterte’s First Year in Office


2017/43 Developing Poor Little Rich Natuna’s Economy


2017/42 The Socio-Cultural Impacts of Forest City


2017/41 Constructing Images: Campaign Consultancy in the Batu (East Java) Local Election


The Mongol Navy: Kublai Khan’s Invasions of Dai Viet and Champa by Vu Hong Lien


2017/40 Duterte’s Moscow Visit Advances Philippine and Russian Foreign Policy Goals


2017/39 Ethnic Minority Politics in Jakarta’s Gubernatorial Election


2017/38 Ahok’s Downfall and the Rise of Islamist Populism in Indonesia


2017/37 Negotiating Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in Myanmar