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Articles & Commentaries

2017/14 Malaysia Capitalizes on Saudi King Salman’s Visit


2017/13 Whither the Yangon Stock Exchange?


2017/12 Separating Facts from Assumptions in Myanmar’s Democratisation


NSC Highlights #4


Mar – May 2017

  • Sinitic Trends in Early Islamic Java
  • The Overland Trading Route between the Khmer Empire and the Champa Kingdoms
  • What’s in a Border?: The Chiang Mai World Heritage Initiative
  • Not Just ‘Pots’: Understanding Social Complexity through Ceramics in Prehistoric Mainland Southeast Asia
  • 2016 NSC Archaeological Field School
  • Workshop: Circulating the Bay of Bengal, Miraculously

2017/11 Trump and Brexit: Some Lessons for Southeast Asia


2017/10 Can the Decline of Batam’s Shipbuilding Industry be Reversed?


2017/9 The Future of Trade Diplomacy in East Asia


2017/8 How the Indonesian Elite Regards Relations with China


2017/7 Myanmar’s Military and the Dilemma of Federalism


2017/6 Manipulating “Diversity”: Campaign against Ahok Threatens Democracy