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Articles & Commentaries

NSC Highlights #3


Dec 2016 – Feb 2017

  • Distant Tales: Maritime Contacts in the Highlands of Sumatra
  • A Street-Wandering Muslim Ecstatic in Colonial Singapore
  • Dating Koh Ker: New Data from 10th century Angkorian capital
  • The Southeast Asian Art History and Conservation Summer Programme
  • Archaeology and Public Education in Singapore: Workshop with the Ministry of Education
  • Conference – Imagining Asia(s): Networks, Actors, Sites

2016/62 Can China’s OBOR Initiative Synergize with AEC Blueprint 2025?


The Geopolitics of Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream: Problems and Prospects by David Arase


2016/61 Turning Malaysia off Inter-Faith Strife


2016/60 Malaysia’s Gallant School System in Need of an Overhaul


2016/59 The Russia-China Strategic Alignment: Consequences for Southeast Asian Security


The Maritime Silk Road: History of an Idea by Kwa Chong Guan


2016/58 Can ASEAN Overcome the ‘Consensus Dilemma’ over the South China Sea?


Evolving Paradigms in Regional Development in Malaysia


2016/57 Candidates, Coalitions and Prospects for the 2017 Jakarta Gubernatorial Election