Articles & Commentaries

Malaysia’s Protracted Affirmative Action Policy and the Evolving Bumiputera Commercial and Industrial Community


2015/70 Myanmar’s 2015 Elections: New Hope on the Horizon?


The Politics of the United States-China-Vietnam Triangle in the 21st Century by Nguyen Manh Hung


2015/69 Malaysia’s 2016 Budget: Pursuing Fiscal Consolidation while Skirting Critical Growth Concerns


2015/68 Myanmar’s Landmark Election: Unresolved Questions


Thailand’s Post-Coup Relations with China and America: More Beijing, Less Washington by Ian Storey


2015/67 What Russia’s “Turn to the East” Means for Southeast Asia


An Eighth-Century Commentary on the Nāmasaṅgīti and the Cluster of Temples on the Prambanan Plain in Central Java by Mark E. Long


Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia in 2014: The Political Economy of Discontent by Gwenaël Njoto-Feillard


The Foreign Press’ Changing Perceptions Of Thailand’s Monarchy by Puangthong R. Pawakapan