Articles & Commentaries

(De)centralization and the Missing Middle in Indonesia and Malaysia


2015/50 Domestic Consensus Vital for ASEAN Economic Integration Beyond 2015


2015/49 Diversity and Development: Foreign Direct Investment in Southeast Asia


Retired Military Officers In Myanmar’s Parliament: An Emerging Legislative Force? by Renaud Egreteau


2015/48 Nahdlatul Ulama’s 33rd Congress: Ma’ruf Amin’s Rise and its Impact on Indonesia’s Traditionalist Islam


2015/47 Thai Junta Militarizes the Management of Natural Resources


Chinese Investment and Myanmar’s Shifting Political Landscape by u-Ann Oh and Philip Andrews-Speed


ISSUE: 2015 No. 5 (2 Sep 2015)


Torp Chey: Analysis of an Angkorian Kiln and Ceramic Industry, Cambodia by EA Darith


2015/46 Spectacle of the Scaffold? The Politics of Death Penalty in Indonesia