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Articles & Commentaries

NSC Working Papers


NSC Working Papers

The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre (NSC) Working Paper Series is an online publication series which provides an avenue for swift publication and wide dissemination of research conducted or presented within the Centre, and of studies engaging fields of enquiry of relevance to the Centre.

ISEAS Economics Working Papers


ISEAS Economics Working Papers

ISEAS Economics Working Paper Series is an online publication produced by researchers and associates of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Papers in these series are work-in-progress and are disseminated to generate feedback for subsequent publication in peer-reviewed outlets. Oriented at both researchers and policy-makers, the ISEAS Economics Working Paper Series seeks to share ongoing research that is relevant and rigorous. Contact: econwp@iseas.edu.sg

Southeast Asian Affairs


Southeast Asian Affairs

Southeast Asian Affairs, produced since 1974, is an annual review of significant trends and developments in the region. The emphasis is on ASEAN countries but important developments in the broader Asia-Pacific region are not ignored. The publication seeks to provide readable and easily understood analyses of major political, strategic, economic and social developments within the region.

The publication has two sections: first a regional section which has articles of region-wide interest, and then a longer section focusing on the 10 individual countries of Southeast Asia. The latter includes the annual country reviews of the 10 countries as well as themetic articles on individual countries which are of a more specialised nature and deal with topical issues of concern.

For more information about this annual, please visit the website of our Publications Unit.

ISEAS Working Papers


ISEAS Working Papers

ISEAS Working Paper Series is an online publication by researchers and associates of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Papers in these series represent works in progress and are intended to stimulate discussion and ciritical comment. They are published without undergoing the usual process of external peer review as the principal objective is to put them out as quickly as possible. This enables to benefit from the feedback.

The information on ISEAS Working Papers is provided as part of ISEAS’s purpose of increasing awareness of the work done by researchers and associates affiliated with ISEAS. Though measures have been undertaken to ensure the accuracy of information stored on this website, no express or implicit warranty is provided as to the quality or accuracy of the information thus supplied. The editorial committee of the ISEAS Working Papers bears no responsibility for facts presented and views expressed, which rests exclusively with the individual author. The contents of the ISEAS Working Papers do not necessarily reflect the views of ISEAS.

Selected BACK ISSUES are available for downloading for personal use. Other ISEAS Working Paper can be purchased from the ISEAS Publications Unit for USD5 or SGD8.

ISEAS claims copyright ownership of all information stored on this website, unless expressly stated otherwise.

Trends in Southeast Asia


Trends in Southeast Asia

The Trends in Southeast Asia series serves as in-depth analysis of contemporary geopolitical and socio-economic forces in the region. The series is written for policymakers, diplomats, scholars and students of the region with emphasis on empirical and observable trends, and less on theory-building or historical accounts of events.

The aim of Trends is to offer concrete accounts of the dynamism in the region as transnational processes impact local communities, national governments as well as bilateral and foreign relations. Subjects that are of interest to the series are national elections; economic patterns and growth; demographic changes and their social implications; migratory patterns; religious and ethnic trends; bilateral relations and geopolitics in the region in relation to the larger powers of Japan, China and the US.

ISEAS Monitor


ISEAS Monitor

ISEAS Monitor is a socio-political survey of Southeast Asia which examines current events to identify trends in specific countries and in the wider region.  

This publication has been discontinued.  For more ISEAS research products, please visit /articles-commentaries

NSC Highlights Intro text


NSC Highlights

NSC Highlights is a quarterly publication providing information regarding people, projects, and publications at the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre. Enquiries and correspondence about editorial matters should be directed to nsc@iseas.edu.sg.

Click here to subscribe to the NSC Highlights mailing list. 

Explaining China’s 2 + 7 Initiative Towards ASEAN by David Arase


China’s New Maritime Silkroad: Implications and Opportunities for Southeast Asia by Zhao Hong


The Armed Forces in Myanmar Politics: A Terminating Role? by Robert H. Taylor