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Articles & Commentaries

2015/23 The Conflicted Role of the AIIB in Southeast Asia


2015/22 Bringing the (Central) State Back In: Governing Pemekaran in Indonesia


2015/21 Military Delegates in Myanmar’s Legislature : What Do They Do? What Will They (Continue To) Do?


2015/20 Five Facts about the ASEAN Economic Community


2015/19 Survey Findings on Freedom and Democracy under the Prayuth Government and Buddhism Reforms in Thailand.


2015/18 Jokowi’s Infrastructure Focus : Is it Indonesia’s New Growth Strategy?


2015/17 A Jokowi Party? Reflections on the State of Elite Politics in Indonesia


2015/16 The Significance of the 2015 U.S. State of the Union Address for Southeast Asia


2015/15 Multiple Targets of Thailand’s Martial Law


2015/14 Why is Malaysia So Interested in Joining the TPP?