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Articles & Commentaries

2015/13 The Feasibility of an ASEAN Customs Union Post – 2015


2015/12 Refighting Old Battles, Compounding Misconceptions: The Politics of Ethnicity in Myanmar Today


2015/11 The State and the Ulama: Comparing Indonesia and Malaysia


2015/10 Religious Pluralism and Tolerance in Jokowi’s Indonesia


2015/9 ASEAN Community 2015: What’s In It For the Region?


2015/8 The Middle Class in Hanoi: Vulnerability and Concerns


2015/7 Betwixt ‘Burmese’ Cottages and Cronies: The Political Economy of ‘Myanmar Inc.’


2015/6 Jokowi’s First Months: Compromise Cabinet, Subsidy Cuts, and Corrupt Coalition


2015/5 How Does the Oil Price Decline Affect Southeast Asia?


2015/4 The ASEAN Economic Community: An Economic and Strategic Project