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Articles & Commentaries

2015/39 Myanmar’s Tycoons: Vested Interests Resisting Reforms or Agents of Change?


2015/40 Mixed Motivations and Mixed Blessings: Chinese Investments in Southeast Asian Energy and Mineral Resources


NSC AU Archaeology Reports


NSC AU Archaeology Report Series

The Nalanda–Sriwijaya Centre Archaeology Unit (NSC AU) Archaeology Report Series has been established to provide an avenue for publishing and disseminating archaeological and related research conducted or presented within the Centre. This also includes research conducted in partnership with the Centre as well as outside submissions from fields of enquiry relevant to the Centre’s goals. The overall intent is to benefit communities of interest and augment ongoing and future research.

The Buddhist Heavens 天: Source Manual for Iconographic Research on the Buddhist Universe, Part II by Ataru Sotomura


Exploring Cam Narrative Sources for History of the Cam Diaspora of Cambodia by Nicolas Weber


Maritime Southeast Asia: The View From Tang–Song China by Geoffrey Goble


Persians and Shi’ites in Thailand: From the Ayutthaya Period to the Present by Christoph Marcinkowski


The Lost Gatekeeper Statues of Candi Prambanan: A Glimpse of the VOC Beginnings of Javanese Archaeology by Roy Jordaan


Warriors Killed, Sliced as Cucumbers: Food Symbolism in the Martial Scenes of Old Javanese Kakawins by Jiri Jakl


The Śailendras Reconsidered by Anton O. Zakharov