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Articles & Commentaries

The Buddhist-Hindu Divide in Premodern Southeast Asia by John Miksic


The Exporting and Productivity Nexus: Does Firm Size Matter?


The Evolution of the Electronics Industry in the SIJORI Cross Border Region


The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: New Paradigm or Old Wine in a New Bottle?



AEC Vision Post-2015: Is an ASEAN Customs Union Feasible?


A New Classification of Indonesia’s Ethnic Groups (10 Feb 2014)


Creating a Modern Singapore Muslim Community (5 May 2014)


Electoral Patterns in Southeast Asia: The Limits to Engineering (2 Dec 2014)


Social Media, Power and Democratisation in Malaysia: Weapons of the Weak? (23 Dec 2014)



Islamization Policy and Islamic Bureaucracy in Malaysia by Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani