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Articles & Commentaries

“GVCs and Premature Deindustrialization in Malaysia” by Cassey Lee


2020/145 “Thailand’s 20 December 2020 Provincial Elections: A Contest among National Political Parties and a Quasi-Party? Evidence from the Andaman Coast” by Michael J. Montesano


2020/144 “Malaysian Independent Oil Palm Smallholders and their Struggle to Survive 2020” by Serina Rahman


2020/143 “The Impending Biden Presidency and Southeast Asia” by Malcolm Cook and Ian Storey


2020/142 “COVID-19’s Impact on Indonesia’s Economy and Financial Markets” by Manggi Taruna Habir and Wisnu Wardana


2020/141 “Realising Vietnam’s Renewable Energy Potential” by Le Viet Phu and Thach Phuoc Hung


“Malay Politics: Parlous Condition, Continuing Problems” by Khoo Boo Teik


2020/140 “Signs of Democratic Contraction and Recentralisation of Power in Indonesia’s 2020 Regional Elections” by Ian Wilson and Hui Yew-Foong


2020/139 “Planning Hanoi’s Urban Future” by Danielle Labbé


2020/138 “Malaysia’s Rubber Glove Industry – A Silver Lining Amidst Dark Clouds” by Francis E. Hutchinson and Pritish Bhattacharya