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Articles & Commentaries

2019/80 “China-Philippine Relations: Duterte’s China Visit and Prospects for Oil and Gas Exploration” by Lye Liang Fook


2019/79 “Shifting the Capital from Jakarta: Reasons and Challenges” by Wilmar Salim and Siwage Dharma Negara


2019/78 “The Melaka Gateway Project: High Expectations but Lost Momentum?” by Francis E. Hutchinson


2019/77 “The Political Economy of Social Media in Vietnam” by Le Hong Hiep


“China’s Evolving Policy towards the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia (1949–2018)” by Wu Xiao An


2019/76 “Thailand’s Perennial Kra Canal Project: Pros, Cons and Potential Game Changers” by Ian Storey


“Quality, Equity, Autonomy: Malaysia’s Education Reforms Examined” by Lee Hwok Aun


2019/75 “Indonesia’s Policing of Hoax News Increasingly Politicised” by Ross Tapsell


2019/74 “The Papuan Question in Indonesia: Recent Developments” by Max Lane


Agglomeration, Human Capital and Foreign Labour: The Case of Malaysia