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Articles & Commentaries

2018/64 U.S. – China Trade War: Opportunities & Risks for Southeast Asia


2018/63 Thailand’s Changing Party Landscape


2018/62 In Pursuit of Connectivity: China Invests in Southeast Asian Infrastructure


Batam: Life after the FTZ?


2018/61 Myanmar’s Current Politics: Implications for the 2020 General Elections


NSC Highlights #10


Sept – Nov 2018

  • Boat Traders and Vegetarians: Gender and Mobility in Guanyin Temple Nuns
  • The Chingays of Old Singapore
  • Toba’s Super-Eruption and the Environmental History of a Future
  • Java Sea Wreck Dating
  • Live Dig: Don’t Feed the Archaeologists! Investigations at the Singapore Art Museum

2018/60 North Sumatra’s 2018 Election: Identity Politics Ruled the Day


2018/59 Education in Post GE-14 Malaysia: Promises, Overtures and Reforms


Education in Malaysia Towards a Developed Nation


2018/58 West Kalimantan Gubernatorial Election 2018: Identity Politics Proves Decisive