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Articles & Commentaries

2018/39 Islamism and the New Anti-Terrorism Law in Indonesia


Agriculture in Johor: What’s Left? by Geoffrey Kevin Pakiam


Establishing Infrastructure Projects: Priorities for Myanmar’s Industrial Development — Part II: The Role of the State by Stuart Larkin


Establishing Infrastructure Projects: Priorities for Myanmar’s Industrial Development Part I: The Role of the Private Sector by Stuart Larkin


Johor Survey: Attitudes towards Governance and Economy, Iskandar Malaysia, and Singapore by Terence Chong


China’s Economic Engagement with Southeast Asia: Singapore by John Lee


The South China Sea and China-ASEAN Relations by Zhao Hong


Vietnam: Straddling Southeast Asia’s Divide by Huong Le Thu


Reforms Will Determine Degree of Vietnam’s Dependence on China by John Lee


New Chinese Migration and Capital in Cambodia by Nyíri Pál