Articles & Commentaries

GE14: Will Urban Malays Support Pakatan Harapan? by Wan Saiful Wan Jan


2018/24 ASEAN in Australia’s Indo-Pacific Outlook


2018/23 Territorial Complementarities or Competition for FDI? Johor, Singapore and the Oil and Gas Sector


Malaysia’s General Elections 2018: Understanding the Rural Vote by Serina Rahman


2018/22 Household Income Growth since GE13: Implications for GE14


2018/21 Borneo Survey: Autonomy, Identity, Islam and Language/Education in Sabah


The Rise and Decline of Labour Militancy in Batam by Max Lane


2018/20 Australia’s Second China Challenge


2018/19 The ISEAS Borneo Survey: Autonomy, Identity, Islam and Language/Education in Sarawak


Chinese Capitalism and Economic Integration in Southeast Asia by Yos Santasombat