Articles & Commentaries

Reconciling Economic and Environmental Imperatives in Batam by Lee Poh Onn


2018/11 Chinese Investment in Malaysia: Five Years into the BRI


2018/10 A Special Law for Archipelagic Provinces: Is it Necessary for Kepri?


Accidental and Intentional Exporters: Comparing Indonesian and Malaysian MSMEs by Tham Siew Yean and Tulus Tambunan


2018/9 The Trump Administration’s 2017 National Security Strategy and 2018 National Defense Strategy: Implications for Southeast Asia


2018/8 ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit: Matching “Act East” with Actions?


EduCity, Johor: A Promising Project with Multiple Challenges to Overcome by Chang-Da Wan and Benedict Weerasena


2018/7 Grabbing the Forgotten: China’s Leadership Consolidation in Mainland Southeast Asia through the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation


2018/6 The Further Erosion of an Indonesian Political Taboo


2018/5 Golkar’s Leadership and the Indonesian President