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Trends in Southeast Asia

The Trends in Southeast Asia series serves as in-depth analysis of contemporary geopolitical and socio-economic forces in the region. The series is written for policymakers, diplomats, scholars and students of the region with emphasis on empirical and observable trends, and less on theory-building or historical accounts of events.

The aim of Trends is to offer concrete accounts of the dynamism in the region as transnational processes impact local communities, national governments as well as bilateral and foreign relations. Subjects that are of interest to the series are national elections; economic patterns and growth; demographic changes and their social implications; migratory patterns; religious and ethnic trends; bilateral relations and geopolitics in the region in relation to the larger powers of Japan, China and the US. This series undergoes a peer-review process.


“The Serious Social Impact of Non-violent Extremism in Indonesia” by A’an Suryana and Nur Syafiqah Mohd Taufek


“How Generation Z Galvanized a Revolutionary Movement against Myanmar’s 2021 Military Coup” by Ingrid Jordt, Tharaphi Than and Sue Ye Lin


“The Military in Burma/Myanmar: On the Longevity of Tatmadaw Rule and Influence” by David I. Steinberg


“Gaps and Opportunities in ASEAN’s Climate Governance” by Sharon Seah and Melinda Martinus


“Vietnam-China Agricultural Trade: Huge Growth and Challenges” by Le Hai Binh and Lam Thanh Ha


“Will Pakatan Harapan’s Hold on Selangor Continue?” by Tricia Yeoh


“Urban Transition in Hanoi: Huge Challenges Ahead” by Danielle Labbé


“Non-State Chinese Actors and Their Impact on Relations between China and Mainland Southeast Asia” by Enze Han


The Making of Anwar Ibrahim’s “Humane Economy”” by Khoo Boo Teik


“Malay Politics: Parlous Condition, Continuing Problems” by Khoo Boo Teik