ASEAN Studies Centre

Strategies to Boost the Inclusion of ASEAN Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Global Value Chains


Mima Sefrina discusses how domestic and regional policies can help to overcome ASEAN SMEs’ low participation in global value chains.

“From Paper to Practice: Utilizing the ASEAN Guide on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Governance and Ethics” by Kristina Fong


The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has been nothing less of awe-inspiring. Policymakers are put in a bind as debates over how the deployment of these AI systems is to be managed — with good governance and ethical considerations in mind, and without stifling innovation.

ASEAN’s response has been the formulation of the ASEAN Guide on AI Governance and Ethics, or the ASEAN AI Guide. This Guide serves more as a “practical guide” for organizations involved in the development and deployment of AI for commercial and non-military or dual-use applications, as opposed to a policy playbook for governments. Though voluntary in application, it does have some positive attributes including laying out the groundwork for regionwide discussions around AI governance and ethics issues, promoting human involvement in AI system management and having an ecosystem approach to policy.

For the implementation of the Guide to be effective, certain notable aspects should be taken into consideration. Firstly, the additional costs organizations will bear in putting into place the checks and balances premised by the guide should be reassessed, especially the disproportionate impact these will have on MSMEs. Additionally, labour availability for these suggested governance mechanisms may be lacking, with rising skills and human resource gaps in integral areas such as cybersecurity. Moreover, on a national level, policymakers should be wary of potential disparities between institutional and regulatory maturity for AI system implementation relative to business readiness for implementation on the ground.

For the ASEAN AI Guide to translate into actionable outcomes, some public policy areas warrant additional consideration. Firstly, some focus will need to be redirected to ex-post regulations, such as legal recourse for AI-generated Intellectual Property (IP) infringement. Furthermore, how new technologies and human capital can be leveraged to better manage potential ill-effects of AI system deployment should be given more focus, along with keeping tabs on psychological changes among different segments of society with greater AI system usage. Lastly, the ASEAN AI Guide should be used as a basis for greater regional engagement in this integral area.

Does ASEAN Still Matter to the Labour Government in the United Kingdom?


Ahead of the ASEAN-UK Ministerial Meeting this month, Joanne Lin looks at how the new Labour Government will prioritise ASEAN and the region in its foreign policy.

Advancing ASEAN’s Digital Economy: Challenges in Cybersecurity and IP Protection


Farlina Said and Farah Nabilah explore ways to enhance ASEAN’s cybersecurity and intellectual property protection mechanisms to strengthen the region’s digital economy.

Implications of India’s 2024 Election Outcomes for ASEAN


Karthik Nachiappan analyses the recent election outcomes in India, their significance for India’s foreign policy, and implications for India’s future engagements with ASEAN.

When Regulating AI, ASEAN Should Remain Committed to Responsible Behaviour


Gatra Priyandita outlines strategies for ASEAN countries to responsibly adopt the use of artificial intelligence in the military and law enforcement.

Film Tourism in Southeast Asia: Between Boon, Bane and Balance


Dorcas Gan investigates the opportunities and challenges arising from promoting film tourism in Southeast Asia.

State of Southeast Asia 2024: India’s Strategic Conundrum of Diminished Influence and Rising Ambitions


Joanne Lin examines India’s dwindling strategic relevance in Southeast Asia and how it can enhance its image as a trusted partner in the region.

Empowering Southeast Asia: The Impact of Transnational Higher Education on Regional Development


Damon Chee examines the rise of transnational education in Southeast Asia and how it influences the region’s educational landscape.

ASEAN and Australia in Shaping a Shared Future


ASEANFocus is privileged to feature H.E. Tiffany McDonald, Australia’s new Ambassador to ASEAN. Ambassador McDonald sheds light on the ASEAN-Australia relationship after 50 years and how Australia can actively work with ASEAN to shape a shared future for the region.