The State of Southeast Asia: 2020 Survey Report


The State of Southeast Asia: 2020 Survey Report presents the findings of a region-wide online survey conducted among the policy, research, business, civil society, and media communities. A total of 1,308 respondents from the ten ASEAN member states participated in the 2020 edition of the survey, which seeks to understand the perceptions of Southeast Asians on regional affairs and ASEAN’s engagements with its Dialogue Partners, especially the major powers.

ASEANFocus Issue 6/2019



  • New Southern Policy from ASEAN and ROK Perspectives
  • South Korea’s Soft Power in ASEAN
  • Viet Nam’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2020
  • Southeast Asia in US-China Strategic Rivalry
  • Wang Gungwu’s Long View of ASEAN

ASEANFocus Issue 5/2019



  • The State of Rakhine: Where Is the Light?
  • Assessing ASEAN’s Role in Rakhine State
  • Drivers of Renewable Energy in ASEAN
  • Is ASEAN Serious About Nuclear Power?
  • Peering into Istana Negara Singapura’s Past and Present

ASEANFocus Issue 4/2019



  • Peering into ASEAN’s Past to Understand the Present
  • Heart Talk with ASEAN Secretaries-General
  • Recalibrating ASEAN
  • Investment Boom in ASEAN: Wherein Lie the Opportunities?
  • Social Enterprises for Sustainable Development

ASEANFocus Issue 3/2019



  • RCEP: Pivotal to ASEAN’s Indo-Pacific Future
  • Assessing the Upgraded ASEAN-China FTA
  • ASEAN-EU Relations: It Takes Two to Tango
  • Towards ASEAN-EU Strategic Partnership
  • Street Art in Southeast Asia

ASEANFocus Issue 2/2019



  • ASEAN-US Relations: Navigating Uncertainty
  • Mobilising ASEAN Youth for Their Future
  • Tribute to Rodolfo C. Severino, Jr., former ASEAN Secretary-General
  • Bringing People Together Through Arts and Culture
  • The Chao Phraya: Where the Waters Are Awash with Life

The State of Southeast Asia: 2019 Survey Report


The State of Southeast Asia: 2019 Survey Report presents the findings of a regionwide online survey conducted among policy, research, business, civil society, and media communities in Southeast Asian countries on their views towards the state of the region amidst regional and global changes and uncertainties.

ASEANFocus Issue 1/2019




    • State of Southeast Asia: 2019 Survey Report



    • Impact of the Trade War on ASEAN Economies



    • Thailand’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2019



    • Can ASEAN Cope with the “Trade War”?



    • Rice Binds Southeast Asia Together



ASEANFocus Issue 6/2018



  • ASEAN Braces for a Risen China
  • ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations: Young but Mature
  • ASEAN Amidst the US-China Rivalry
  • Building Blocks Towards Resilient & Innovative ASEAN
  • Batik: The Wax that Never Wanes

ASEANFocus Issue 4/2018



  • The ASEAN Journey and The Road Ahead
  • A Resilient and Innovative ASEAN for the Next  Five Decades
  • Seeding a Smarter ASEAN
  • Strengthening Regional Resilience: Coping with Non-Traditional Security Challenges
  • Singapore’s Financial Hub in a Dynamic ASEAN