ASEAN Studies Centre

Towards AEC 2025 and Beyond: Making the Most of Laos’ 2024 ASEAN Chairmanship


Sanchita Basu Das and Julia Tijaja suggest ways in which Laos can advance its Chairmanship priorities under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

ASEAN Matters for America / America Matters for ASEAN


ASEAN Matters for America/America Matters for ASEAN explores the important and multi-faceted relationship between the United States and the 10 ASEAN member states. The sixth edition of the publication was launched in 2023.

Southeast Asian Affairs 2023


Southeast Asian Affairs, produced since 1974, is an annual review of significant trends and developments in the region.

In the 2023 edition, ASEAN Studies Centre Co-coordinator Joanne Lin contributes an article on Cambodia’s ASEAN Chairmanship in 2022. The article highlights that despite doubts from critics, Cambodia has made significant strides in displaying competence and maturity to chair ASEAN in an extremely challenging year and to navigate various contentious issues within the grouping.

Laos as ASEAN Chair: Flying into Headwinds


Joanne Lin looks at Laos’ priorities as ASEAN Chair next year and examines the challenges that the country will face.

Digging Deeper with DEFA


As the first round of negotiations for the ASEAN Digital Economy Framework Agreement (DEFA) approaches, Kristina Fong discusses critical aspects to consider that will make the DEFA successful in bridging the digital divide and facilitating more meaningful digital integration.

GVC Reconfiguration: Risks and Opportunities for ASEAN Members (Trends in Southeast Asia Issue 4 / 2023)


The Trends in Southeast Asia series serves as in-depth analysis of contemporary geopolitical and socio-economic forces in the region.

In Issue 4 / 2023, ASC researchers Sithanonxay Suvannaphakdy and Pham Thi Phuong Thao gauge the position of ASEAN in global value chains (GVCs) and assess the risks and opportunities of GVC reconfiguration, amidst the backdrop of different global disruptions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions and US-China trade disputes, and the Russia-Ukraine war.

Panorama: Insights into Asian and European 2022 Issue 1: New Insights into Multilateralism


This issue of Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs addresses multilateral cooperation of global interest, looking at the COVID-19 pandemic and country studies in Asia and Europe with implications for regional and international security as well as assessing challenging multilateral collaborations in both regions on a case-by-case basis. ASEAN Studies Centre Researchers Joanne Lin and Melinda Martinus contribute a chapter on ASEAN in Health Crisis Mode, to examine what the regional body can do to enhance health coordination across sectors and pillars.

The Courteous Charmer: A Hard Look at Japan’s Soft Power in Southeast Asia


Indira Zahra Aridati examines the rise of Japanese soft power across Southeast Asia and its many facets.

Is Laos Able to Make a Difference in the Myanmar Crisis?


Joanne Lin looks at the crisis in Myanmar and recommends possible strategies for Laos to move the needle on the issue, ahead of its ASEAN Chairmanship next year.

The Rise of the Live Music Industry in Southeast Asia


Neo Hui Yun Rebecca analyses the rising demand for live music shows in Southeast Asia and how regional countries can tap into this opportunity.