
General Secretary Trong’s Political Future: Stayin’ Alive


Mr Nguyen Phu Trong has been general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam for two terms, and party rules stipulate that the incumbent cannot hold the position for longer than that. But there is more than meets the eye.


ASEAN and the South China Sea Code of Conduct: Raising the Aegis of International Law


With Vietnam at the helm of ASEAN this year, the grouping has wielded the aegis of international law to ensure that international and regional concerns about the South China Sea are respected in Code of Conduct negotiations.


To Ban or Wear: The Niqab in Indonesian Public Offices


The central government’s proposal to ban the niqab in Indonesian public offices faces pushback from local political leaders and various quarters of the country’s Muslim community.


A Review of the ASEAN Charter: In the Fullness of Time


A long-running review of the ASEAN Charter may yet bear fruit – or it may not.


Indonesia and Covid-19: Worst of Both Worlds


Jakarta is going into a second lockdown in the wake of the Covid-19. This time, it is hoped that the capital will avoid the nightmare scenario: a lockdown that fails to stop community transmission and a further contraction of the economy.


PAS and the “Younger Brother” Conundrum


Six months after Perikatan Nasional grabbed the reins of power, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia has settled into its position as a party in the ruling coalition. The question is whether the rank and file can stomach the party’s second fiddle status.


Muhyiddin Yassin: Sitting Pretty (For Now)


Roiled by political instability in the past few months, Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin can afford to take a breather, for now at least. A survey by arguably the country’s foremost pollster shows him in a strong position.


Vietnam’s Online Policing: Taking a Leaf from China’s Playbook


Typically, governments are influenced by sentiments expressed in social media to and adjust their policies accordingly. A string of episodes has demonstrated that Vietnam has taken a leaf out of China’s playbook in steering the online narrative.


Uncle Sam Will Have to Change His Tune After November for Buy-in From Southeast Asia


High stakes in the upcoming US presidential election for Southeast Asia and for American influence and goodwill in the region.


General Prayut’s Failing Premiership: Self-inflicted Wound


The sudden departure of Thailand’s newly-appointed finance minister is a sign that premiership of Prayut Chan-ocha is failing.