
Global Value Chains in ASEAN: With Pandemic Comes Opportunity


The ensuing Sino-US trade war and the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the moving of global value chains out of China into other regional states such as Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. ASEAN countries should not squander the historic opportunity to grab a bigger market share in such chains.


Malaysia: Mass Unemployment Averted, But Potential Hazards Ahead


Malaysia’s labour market has seen a slightly rosier outlook in June. But broad indicators – under-utilisation of employment insurance and large companies under strain – signal that the country is not out of the woods yet.


RIMPAC Exercise Set to Sail, Minus the Mai Tais


Despite fears that it might be cancelled due to the coronavirus, the multilateral RIMPAC maritime exercise will kick off today off the coast of Hawaii. The two-week exercise, which will run to 31 August, will see a smaller contingent from Southeast Asia due to operational restrictions surrounding the pandemic.


The Race for Global Value Chains: Return to RCEP, India?


Both India and ASEAN are vying for places in shifting global value chains (GVC) affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. India is behind the grouping in GVC participation. One way for New Delhi to play catch-up is to rethink its withdrawal from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.


Finding ASEAN’s Voice Amid the Din of Geopolitics


The re-emergence of the “neutrality” term in a recent ASEAN statement shows the underlying tensions between a fallback position based on neutrality and autonomy, as opposed to a more forward “principled neutrality” position based on international law.


Thai Cabinet Reshuffle: Prayut Gets His Way (For Now)


The recent reshuffle of the Thai cabinet has thrown up several surprises. A sobering development is a parting of ways between General Prayut and the Phalang Pracharat Party.


Save the Planet? Eat Like an Indonesian


Protein-rich foods such as tofu and tempeh might well save the world. If all other countries adopted Indonesia’s prescribed dietary standards and actually followed them, current greenhouse gas emissions from global food production would plummet.


State Capture and Indonesia’s Justice System: A Mountain to Climb


Indonesia recently witnessed a saga involving a high-profile fugitive who received substantial privileges from the public service while he was on the run. Such instances of state capture remain a chronic problem in Indonesia.


Will Covid-19 Trigger a Tsunami of Maritime Crime in Southeast Asia?


The incidents of maritime violence in Asia has risen sharply in the first half of 2020. These incidents are likely to rise in the second half of this year. But the high number of attacks of the late 1990s and early 2000s may not be repeated, given greater political stability in Southeast Asia and increased regional cooperation.


Political Turmoil in Sabah: Attack of the Kataks


True to form, Sabah’s storied “katak” (frog) politicians have hopped parties again, leading to the dissolution of the state assembly and triggering fresh elections. Voters have much to mull over in coming days.