
The Chini By-Election: A Step Forward for Muafakat Nasional, But Mind the Gap


UMNO’s thumping victory in the recent Chini by-election was not unexpected. The solid Malay support displayed during the poll, however, presages a deeper fissure within the Perikatan Nasional coalition.


Thai Cabinet Overhaul in the Offing?


Thailand will soon be looking at another cabinet reshuffle. But there is more than meets the eye. The prime minister’s relationship with the ruling Phalang Pracharat Party remains tenuous.


Smaller Countries in the Asia-Pacific: Mired in the Middling Middle


Rising Sino-US rivalry and a rapidly changing geopolitical environment means that smaller states in the Asia-Pacific are increasingly compelled to “choose sides” between the two major powers. They are, however, not short of options.


Australia’s 2020 Defence Strategic Update: Red Alert, Down Under


Australia’s recently-released defence update may be the most consequential document in terms of Canberra’s defence relations with Southeast Asia. Australia is asking its Southeast Asia partners to do more, while offering them more in return.


Call for Coalition Government in Myanmar Is Premature


Some political parties have called on the ruling National League for Democracy to form a coalition government come the November polls. Such a tactic is premature.


A Covid-19-Induced Export Slump: Magnifying a Malaysian Malaise


A historic slump in Malaysia’s exports has been attributed to the coronavirus sweeping across the region. But the fall is indicative of a deeper, structural weakness in the economy.


South China Sea: Indonesia Crosses Swords with China


Indonesia has recently taken a firmer position vis-à-vis China on the South China Sea. Those who think that Jakarta is assuming the leadership mantle of ASEAN on the issue will be disappointed; the more assertive stance derives from Jakarta’s own interests.


Thai Government: The Question of Legitimacy


Thailand’s tough lèse majesté laws do not appear to have stifled expressions of resistance against the monarchy. Perhaps a review and relook of the laws surrounding perceived offenses to the monarchy is in order.


Sino-US Strategic Competition: Shades of a New Cold War?


A new report by the White House has cast China as an ideological threat to cherished liberties and the American way of life. This is a bipartisan approach that will endure even if President Donald Trump loses his bid for a second term.


Choosing Pakatan Harapan’s Prime Ministerial Candidate: Reconciling the Unreconcilable?


The Pakatan Harapan coalition has a plan for a political comeback, based on (another) pact between Mahathir Mohamed and his erstwhile nemesis, Anwar Ibrahim. While a bitter pill for Anwar and his party, this looks to be the only option before them. That this is the only visible pathway back to power does not make it any more likely to happen.