
Covid-19 in the Philippines: Star Mayors, Malacanang Material?


A number of star mayors who have acted effectively during the country’s Covid-19 pandemic might well be in the presidential race come 2022.


ASEAN Cities: The Rise of Paradiplomacy


City governments around the world, in particular in Southeast Asia, have been forming multilateral platforms to tackle issues of climate change and income disparity.


Poor countries and Covid-19: Flattening the Misery Curve


Countries have gone all out to flatten the infection curve of Covid-19. But given the economic costs inflicted on the vulnerable poor, it might be time to think about flattening the misery curve.


Nguyen Phu Trong’s Rare Appearances: Holding Up?


Speculation about the health of Vietnam’s top leader Nguyen Phu Trong has been rife. The question is whether he will hold up till the upcoming Party Congress in January 2021.


Covid-19: In the Doldrums of Debt


Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, many Southeast Asian countries, several of which are already forecast to careen into recession this year, will see themselves in hock.


Global leadership is flagging. Can ASEAN or ASEAN+3 step up?


Both ASEAN and its Plus Three partners – China, Japan and Korea – have been ramping up efforts to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. It is time now for the Plus Three to step up to the plate.


Tariff Reductions In RCEP: They Still Matter for ASEAN Trade


Exporters in ASEAN are likely to face lower demand for their goods under the 15-nation Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, as three ASEAN dialogue partners – China, Japan and the Republic of Korea – are likely to intensify trade flows among them. This does not mean there is no room for ASEAN to accrue gains from the trade deal.


Covid-19 and Indonesia: Not Quite a Lockdown


Jakarta has studied the examples of Malaysia and India and decided not to implement a full lockdown amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The social and economic costs are deemed to be too high.


“A-May” Suu’s Facebook Debut: Upping the Signal-to-Noise Ratio


Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s de facto leader, has finally made her debut on Facebook. If managed carefully, this would help to rally efforts to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.


Covid-19 in Myanmar: Panic Vigilantism?


Official warnings about the potential of Covid-19 infection stemming from the return of Myanmar nationals has only intensified panic-vigilantism to enforce isolation measures.