
Leverage in The Time of Coronavirus


The ongoing coronavirus crisis in China highlights how dependence on foreign inputs can affect export-dependent countries such as Malaysia


Muhyiddin and Malay Rights: Too Early to Call


A Muhyiddin government will push for Malay rights, but this is unlikely to be done in excess


GPS in Sarawak: Finding the Way In … or Out?


Political turbulence in Kuala Lumpur and the emergence of two competing coalitions have returned the Gabungan Parti Sarawak to its traditional role as kingmaker


Power Transition in Malaysia: A Messy Mosaic


Political ructions over the weekend have pulled the rug on Pakatan Harapan’s control over state legislatures


A Political Earthquake, More Aftershocks to Come


A manic Monday in Malaysia means that the country could be ruled by one of two competing coalitions


Rigorous Vetting: The Senate Strikes Back?


Too early to conclude that Upper House has found a new independence apart from the Thai military


Apathetic Young Voters in Myanmar? Think Again


The received wisdom about political apathy among the country’s youth needs to be re-examined.


Mass Shooting: Thai Military in the Cross-Hairs


A mass shooting in Thailand has put the spotlight on the military’s involvement in business.


Manila’s VFA Termination: A Win for China and Russia


Manila’s decision to withdraw from the 1998 Visiting Forces Agreement with the United States will benefit China and Russia. Russia’s attempt to cozy up to the Philippines, however, might not be wholly welcomed by Beijing.


“Hun Sen’s China Visit: Love in the Time of Coronavirus” by Lye Liang Fook


2020/14, 10 February 2020

At a time when China is preoccupied with tackling the coronavirus and grappling with criticisms for its tardy initial response to contain the spread, it appears to have received a shot in the arm with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen’s visit to Beijing on February 5. Hun Sen’s visit did not make any material difference to the resources available to China to fight the coronavirus. Neither does it affect Beijing’s determination to overcome this latest crisis. The main value of Hun Sen’s visit lies in the symbolic expression of support. Beijing has also been quick in zeroing in on two key aspects: the message that China seeks to convey, and the implications for China-Cambodia relations.