
A Duterte-Democrat President Redux?


A Biden Administration will see strong headwinds as it pertains to Washington’s relations with Manila.


Partial Panacea: RCEP and Inter-ASEAN Trade


ASEAN Centrality would not be very meaningful if intra-ASEAN trade remains shallow.


ASEAN-Australia Partnership Amid the Pandemic: Deepening Ties in Challenging Times


During the Covid-19 crisis, Australia has doubled down on its support for ASEAN centrality in the Indo-Pacific. The ASEAN-Australia partnership has emerged stronger than ever.


Opening-up Travel in Southeast Asia: Blowing Bubbles Into Balloons


Quarantine-free travel in Southeast Asia is unlikely anytime soon, but regional countries can double efforts to move travel bubbles into bigger travel balloons.


US Indo-Pacific Command: Standing with Allies and Partners Amid the Pandemic


In this special contribution to Fulcrum, Admiral Philip Davidson, commander of US Indo-Pacific Command, stresses that the US’ largest geographic combatant command will continue to work with allies and partners across the region, particularly those in Southeast Asia. He argues that there is a growing “strategic convergence” between the US and the region.


ASEAN Sustainable Development Goals: Notable, But More Can Be Done


ASEAN member states have made notable achievements in attaining their Sustainable Development Goals, but more needs to be done in areas such as environmental sustainability.


The NEP at 50: Misunderstood and Misrepresented


Modern Malaysia’s definitive communal policy agenda should be reoriented not retired.


Alibaba’s Expansion into Malaysia: A Double-Edged Sword?


Alibaba’s latest foray into Malaysia will bring a raft of e-commerce opportunities to the country. But there are concerns about its pervasive presence in the country and the possible impact on competition.


America’s Proposed Reactivation of the 1st Fleet Raises Eyebrows and Questions


A reactivated First Fleet would boost the US naval presence in Asia, and demands on America’s allies and security partners in Asia.


Managing the New Normal in Relations Between China and the United States


The China-US new normal maybe more stable and less worrying for Southeast Asia than commonly thought.