
New Fences on the China-Myanmar Border: Separation or Containment?


China has reportedly started erecting fences along its border with Myanmar. The move could be seen as a Chinese attempt to manage the Covid-19 pandemic in Myanmar, but some observers have alluded other motives to Beijing.


Vietnam – US Relations Under the Biden Administration


Vietnamese should not pine over President Trump’s loss and fret over Joe Biden’s victory too much.


Malaysia’s 2021 Budget Passed: Muhyiddin Lives to Fight Another Day


Despite opposition from within and without, the Perikatan Nasional coalition has passed Malaysia’s 2021 Budget on the second reading. Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, however, will still face considerable turbulence going forward.


South Korea and America’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: Yes, But Not Quite


Like many ASEAN member states, South Korea has sought to avoid “choosing sides” between China and the United States. It has adopted an uneasy equidistance between the two great powers and their respective Indo-Pacific Strategy and Belt and Road Initiative power plays.


Muhyiddin Needs to Unite Umno’s Factions Behind Him


Prime Minister Muhyiddin’s clock is ticking, and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is holding it.


Mind the Gap: Biden’s Opportunity to Reengage Southeast Asia


The Biden administration will need to get both its words and actions right to rebuild trust in the USA in Southeast Asia.


Biden and Southeast Asia: When Foreign Policy Begins at Home


President-elect Biden will restore a more traditional style of diplomacy to the United States, but domestic considerations will weigh heavily on American foreign policy – and Washington’s approach to Southeast Asia.


Fulcrum: Putting the Spotlight on Southeast Asia


fulcrum /ˈfʊlkrə/, /ˈfʌlkrə/ ) ​(physics) the point on which a lever turns or is supported. ​[usually singular] the most important part of an activity or a situation.


Thai Political Protests: Drifting into Uncharted Waters


The political temperature in Thailand is set to raise, as protest leaders up the ante and demand the reform of the monarchy. A separate process of constitutional amendment in Parliament will skirt the contentious issue.


Affirming ASEAN’s East Asian Centrality


The signing of the 15-member Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is significant, and not only due to the fact that the trade deal will cover a third of the world’s population and GDP. The RCEP also affirms the power of the East Asia concept and ASEAN’s centrality within it.