
Is It Time to Open Borders?


The asymmetry in the treatment of national and international movement with regard to the management of the Covid-19 pandemic is no longer justified. If coupled with robust testing and tracing, opening up borders can deliver economic benefits without significantly raising health risks.


Indonesian Muslim Groups Oppose Omnibus Law


President Jokowi’s unpopular job creation law creates a new rift with Indonesia’s leading Islamic groups.


Myanmar: Social Media Holds Little Sway on Voting Patterns


A recent pre-election survey has confirmed the conventional wisdom that voter attitudes are entrenched and will be influenced little by the barrage of social media campaigns.


Welcome and Vet: Investments from China in Southeast Asia


In this geostrategic climate, Southeast Asian countries should welcome rather than reject investment from China for their own developmental needs. This is likely to entice competing investments from the West and Japan.


The South China Sea, a fault line in China-Russia relations?


The South China Sea poses a stress test in Russia-China relations, pitting China’s excessive claims against Russian energy interests.


Biden or Trump? Southeast Asia’s Stakes in the US Election


A check list of the differences Southeast Asia can expect if Joe Biden wins the US presidential election or Donald Trump is returned to the White House.


Covid-19 or Not, Myanmar Will Go to the Polls as Scheduled


Despite a wave of Covid-19 infections in the country, in particular in Yangon, the authorities are determined that the 8 November polls will be conducted as scheduled.


Japan and Southeast Asia: Kindred Spirits in the era of Trump


Richard Armitage, a veteran Republican official, has called for an Indo-Pacific that is inclusionary and not directed at any country. His view is markedly different from that of many Trump officials, and is similar to that of Japan and many countries in Southeast Asia.


Act East or Acting? India and ASEAN


China is taking action to deepen economic engagement with Southeast Asia. India, despite Prime Minister Modi’s Act East rhetoric, is not.


Revenge of the Asia-Pacific?


The much-ballyhooed “Indo-Pacific” term has gained much traction in the region in recent years. The new Democratic Party platform, however, pointedly excludes the use of the term, and touts the older “Asia-Pacific” instead. Is this Biden’s attempt at getting at Trump?