Event Highlights

Webinar on “Indonesia’s Energy Transition and Climate Governance Reform”


In this webinar, Dr Masyita Cristallin discussed Indonesia’s climate governance reform in the financial sector and the prospect of achieving a net-zero emission target by 2060. Meanwhile, Dr Abidah Setyowati highlighted the need to broaden stakeholder participation in the regulatory and institutional reform for the energy transition in Indonesia.


Webinar on “Why Acute US-China Rivalry Will Endure and Cause Decline in US Influence in Southeast Asia”


In this webinar, Prof Robert Sutter explained the origins and evolution of US domestic politics underlying the remarkable hardening in US policy toward China, which began with the Trump administration and persists with the Biden administration.


Webinar on “Creating Chaos and Consent: Cyber Troops and Organised Propaganda in Indonesia’s Cybersphere”


In this webinar, Dr Yatun Sastramidjaja discusses the role of cyber troopers and their effects on Indonesia’s digital and political landscape.


Webinar on ASEAN Prize Talk 2021: “ASEAN Prize and Its Role in Forging an ASEAN Identity”


In this webinar, the three ASEAN Prize recipients from 2018 to 2020 discussed the progress of forging an ASEAN identity through their views and experiences, and their exemplary efforts in promoting a people-oriented, people-centred ASEAN Community.


Webinar on “Reviewing The Sultanate of Melaka: Archaeology, History and Culture”


In the sixth webinar of the series, Dr Nasha bin Rodziadi Khaw reviews the archaeological and historical sources on Melaka, based on which its culture, economic and political system.


Webinar on “Southeast Asia Climate Outlook Survey 2021 Report Launch and Discussion”


In this webinar, Mr Beni Suryadi from the ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT) at the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), Mr Mahawira Dillon from Yayasan Indonesia Cerah and Mr David Fogarty from The Straits Times participated as discussants at the launch event of the Southeast Asia Climate Outlook Survey 2021 Report, discussing key findings and sharing their expertise on climate-related trends in the region. The Survey and this event were supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


Webinar on “Suffering Covid-19 and Climate Change: Can Malaysia’s Fishermen, Fisheries and Seafood Survive?”


In this webinar, Dr Serina Rahman discussed the status of Malaysia’s nearshore fishermen, drawing on a more-than-a-decade-long ethnographic study of a fishing community in the western Tebrau Strait.


Webinar on “Thai Provincial Politics on the National Scale: Perspectives from Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit”


In this webinar, Mr Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit shared lessons that he gained from local election campaigns. Drawing on these experiences, he discusses the underlying problems of the governing structure of the Thai state and offered his views on why and how the power relations between the central government and local administrations need to change.