Event Highlights

Webinar on “The Prospects and Dangers of Algorithmic Credit Scoring in Vietnam: Regulating a Legal Blindspot”


In the seventh session of the webinar series on “Financial Transformation, Credit Markets and Household Debt in Southeast Asia”, Dr Nicolas Lainez presents on the prospects and dangers of algorithmic credit scoring in Vietnam.


Webinar on: “Vietnam’s 13th Party Congress: Continuities and New Elements in Economic Development”


In the second of a four-part series on Vietnam’s recently concluded 13th Party Congress, Dr Nguyen Dinh Cung assessed Vietnam’s economic development record and shared his insights on the new elements approved by the congress that will shape the country’s economic trajectory. Dr Cung also highlighted the challenges that lie ahead as Vietnam seeks to restore its economic growth momentum against the backdrop of domestic constraints and external geostrategic uncertainties.


Webinar on “From Pakatan Harapan to Perikatan Nasional in East Malaysia: A Missed Opportunity for Greater Autonomy?”


In this webinar, Dr Anantha Raman Govindasamy traces the major political developments that occurred in East Malaysia from 2018 to the present, beginning with the advent of the Pakatan Harapan, its substitution by the Perikatan Nasional administration in February 2020, the Sabah state elections in September 2020, and concluding with the recent declaration of Emergency.


Webinar on “Worsening European Public Opinion on China and Implications for Asia”


In this webinar, Dr Richard Q. Turcsanyi sheds light on the findings of  The Sinophone Borderlands survey – comparing how the public in 13 European countries perceive China and various China-related issues, what foreign policy alignments they favour, and what policy on China they support.


Webinar on “Constraints and Opportunities for Indonesia’s Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic”


In this webinar, Dr Astrid Meilasari-Sugiana, Dr Gunardi Endro and Dr Suwandi shared their observations on the constraints faced by Indonesia’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) during the pandemic and elaborated on some policies that have been implemented to assist these companies. Drawing on both policies and economic ideology of the country, the speakers attempted to highlight solutions and discussed how it could aid in the recovery of the economy after the pandemic.


Webinar on “ Understanding People’s Use of Digital Lending in Indonesia”


In this webinar, Dr Johan Irni Rahmayan and Mr Manggi Taruna Habir examine a range of relevant issues related to the use of fintech and financial capability in Indonesia, with focuses on household debt sourced from online loans.


Webinar on “100% Renewable Electricity in Southeast Asia”


In this webinar, Dr Bin Lu from the Australian National University (ANU) presents and discusses his research on how Southeast Asia can make use of short-term energy storage solutions to achieve a complete transition to renewable energy generation.


Webinar on “China’s COVID Vaccine Diplomacy and Its Implications for Southeast Asia”


In this webinar, Professor Yanzhong Huang examines China’s COVID vaccine diplomacy effort.


E-Launch and Discussion of “the State of Southeast Asia: 2021” Survey Report


The third edition of The State of Southeast Asia: 2021 Survey Report was officially launched on 10 February 2021 followed by a panel discussion on the key findings of the survey and implications for the region.