Event Highlights

50th Anniversary Public Lecture: “Before Southeast Asia: Passages and Terrains” by Prof Wang Gungwu


The third and final public lecture to commemorate ISEAS’s 50th anniversary was delivered by Professor Wang Gungwu on 3 October 2018 at the Orchard Hotel.


Seminar on “Stagnating Yields, Unyielding Profits: The Political Economy of Malaysia’s Rice Sector”


Rice has been deeply intertwined with Malaysia’s political economy. The staple crop has typically been a mainstay in political discussions in the run-ups to general elections, whether in terms of farm livelihoods, food availability, or citizens’ living costs. Following the Malaysian 14th General Election (GE-14)’s unprecedented results, public policies surrounding rice are now under renewed scrutiny and negotiation.


Indonesia Forum 2018: “Evolving Political, Economic and Business Environment Going into 2019”


Co-organised by the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute and the University of Michigan, the “Indonesia Forum 2018: Evolving Political, Economic and Business Environment Going into 2019” took place on Friday, 21 September 2018 at the Orchard Hotel.


Seminar on “Indonesia’s 2019 Presidential Elections: The Candidates and Their Coming Campaigns”


In Indonesia’s upcoming presidential elections, to be held in April 2019, incumbent President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo will again face Prabowo Subianto.


Seminar on “Oil Palms: Market Outlook, Environmental Sustainability, and Social Landscape”


Although oil palm is a single crop, the issues arising from this single crop have been multifaceted and complex, often requiring scientific, economic, political, historical, environmental and social lenses to examine, analyse, and understand. Three speakers spoke at a Regional Economics Studies seminar covered some of these issues.


Seminar on “Post-1986 Revisited: The Political of Representation in Contemporary Vietnamese Art”


Ms Đỗ Tường Linh spoke at a Politics of Arts in Southeast Asia seminar on the state of contemporary Vietnamese art after the implementation of Đổi Mới (renovation) policies in 1986.


Seminar on “Alternative Voices in Muslim Southeast Asia: Discourse and Struggles”


The seminar on Alternative Voices in Muslim Southeast Asia: Discourse and Struggles was held on 4 September 2018.


Party Funding and Money Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia: Different Solutions – The Same Dilemma


The latest instalment of the Malaysia Studies Programme Seminar series was delivered by Dr Wolfgang Sachsenröder at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute on 27 August 2018. Entitled, Party Funding and Money Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia, Different Solutions – The Same Dilemma, the lecture overviewed the entrenchment of money politics in the party financing systems of the two Southeast nations.


9th Outreach Programme for University Students (OPUS) Lecture Series with Syracuse University, 28 & 29 August 2018


Over two half-day sessions, our researchers shared with the students some of the current hot topics in Southeast Asia, including the Free and Open Indo-Pacific, Belt and Road Initiative in Vietnam, ASEAN and AEC. This is the 9th consecutive year that ISEAS has hosted the OPUS for Syracuse University.


UMNO: Looking Back and Looking Forward


To trace the organisation’s historical development as well as to analyse some proposed future reforms, ISEAS invited Dr Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk from the Center for Policy Research and International Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Mr Zaidel Baharuddin, head of the UMNO Branch for Gombak, Selangor; to deliver a seminar as part of the “Malaysia in Transition Seminar Series”