Event Highlights

Seminar on Is UMNO in trouble in Johor?


Many are predicting that the period between February to May 2018 is the most likely time.  As political parties prepare for GE14, the dynamics among Malaysia’s Malay political parties are becoming more heated, especially with the recent birth of two new contenders. 


Seminar on Looking at Political Parties through Law: Lessons for Southeast Asia from Northeast Asia?


Dr Erik Mobrand, a visiting scholar at the Centre for Asian Legal Studies at the National University of Singapore and an associate professor at Seoul National University, presented a seminar entitled Looking at Political Parties through Law: Lessons for Southeast Asia from Northeast Asia?


Seminar on Pramoedya AnantaToer’s Novels and Their Political Significance Today


This seminar discusses the reasons behind their increased popularity among contemporary Indonesian youths, and the connections with the ongoing and intensifying polemics over Indonesian history in general. 


Seminar on Trends of Political Supports in Indonesia Two Years before 2019 National Elections


This presentation looked at the performance of the current Indonesian government — after three years under the administration of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) — in the eyes of the Indonesian citizens.


Workshop on Toshio Egawa Private Archive Collection cum Launch of two Toshio Egawa Publications


ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute launched two Toshio Egawa publications, namely, Toshio Egawa Private Archive Collection in the ISEAS Library, Singapore: A Catalogue and the Criteria for Those Who Reach the Top – To Lead with Mind and Heart this Tuesday. 


Lecture on “Imperial Rice Transportation of Nguyen Vietnam (1802-1883)”


Dr. Tana Li, who is a Visiting Senior Fellow at the Nalanda Sriwijaya Centre, argued in her lecture on “Imperial Rice Transportation of Nguyen Vietnam” that the imperial system of rice transportation was a great lens in which to examine state control and power. 


Seminar on Transformation of Malaysia-China Relations: Drivers, Motives and Possible Impact


The Malaysia Studies Programme at the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute has invited Dato’ Abdul Majid Ahmad Khan to deliver a public talk entitled “Transformation of Malaysia-China Relations: Drivers, Motives and Possible Impact”.


Seminar on “Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia: Challenges and Prospects”


Professor Yos Santasombat spoke at a Thailand Studies Programme seminar on the contemporary relationship between China and ASEAN countries.


Seminar on “The Rohingya Crisis: Background & Security Aspects’’


Mr Ye Htut, Visiting Senior Fellow at the ISEAS—Yusof Ishak Institute gave an interesting presentation on the background and context of the Rohingya crisis in northern Rakhine state, bringing out information that is generally not well known.  


Lecture on “Ancient Medical Industries in Cambodia and the 2017 NSC Archaeological Field School”


Since 2011, the NSC Archaeological Field School has worked with regional partners to train participants from East Asia Summit (EAS) member countries in archaeology and its related fields. Field Schools consist of a research project and training components with funding provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore.